Someone should make a game based on the new movies, then we can pose about all the inconvenient lens flares we now deal with in everyday life.
Best posts made by SparklesTheClown
RE: Star Trek games?
RE: RL Anger
I could care less who sympathizes with whom. I wouldn't hit anyone other than in direct defense of myself or another because that's not what I believe in or how I want to behave.
I like to think that I wouldn't hit someone due to the inner goodness of my heart, but some people require digging down very, very deep. It's one thing to disagree with someone, it's another for someone to be telling you to your face the most racist shit I've ever heard, for three hours straight, and to be trapped in the situation due to it being a point in your life where you had no idea what to even do when shit like that comes up.
I know you're probably thinking "just walk away from the situation", but it's like, we're talking about a situation where, when I mention it, mutual friends that I have with this person start going "Well, did that really happen? Are you sure you didn't just misinterpret the situation? Maybe we should just stop talking about this" and shit like that. It's frustrating, getting constantly poked at with a stick like that, and you're just kind of expected to repress it, which is exactly what I do, because there's not really an alternative that doesn't complicate a bunch of my relationships.
So I try to remember the consequences of hitting people, because there is a limit to the pure goodness in one's heart to simply not hit someone when they become grossly racist every time you're alone with them and none of your other friends are around to see it.
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
This thread was never going to be 100% perfectly civil forever. I bet anything that there's people right now fucking stewing who haven't even posted yet, and someone just hasn't said the right trigger of things to make them actually post and pop off with some crazy bullshit.
But I think that stuff like this has served a purpose, because now in this very thread I can go "see that is what shitty behavior is, you can probably stop worrying if you aren't going to do that".
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
Personally, I don't think it would be wise to go the monetary advertising route with MUSHes or RPIs that use commercial properties. The average MUSH already skirts a thin line when it comes to the legality of its existence, as the average one would be like advertising an interactive fan fiction.
I believe that the most wise form of promotion would be to learn how non-MUs promote their RPs, and promote a MU through those means. It's almost always going to be a casual way rather than ads or anything like that. Generally, if it works for a business, it's probably best to avoid it in a MU, unless you're running a commercial MUD with an original theme that's actually there to make money (And any such MUDs do run ads).
RE: Date Thenomain
@Ghost Sorry, I forgot that not everyone knows about Wikipedia's notoriously being full of nudity. It's hilarious how much nudity is on that site.
RE: Gauging Interest in a new Erotic RP MU* (with anonymous survey)
The survey didn't have a tentacles question.
Here I just want to add an addendum for myself.
Tentacles - Strongly Agree
RE: RL Anger
Sometimes there are moments when I'm full of righteous anger, and then I remove someone from Facebook.
To be honest, there's a ton of people I need to remove from Facebook, but it would complicate my life to do so.
I'm instead going to become increasingly busy and eventually I'll move to either Portugal, Japan, or Seattle, and then have an excuse to never talk to anyone again.
But hey, I've worked my way up from hating life to having a general tolerance for life, so, that's something.
It's nice to have the anonymity of a message board in which I use a name that I use no where else. Then I can mention how I hate all these fucking racially ignorant pieces of shit I constantly deal with but then I have to be nice and can't mention it or else people get fucking #triggered and need a safe space away from the goddamned reality that maybe they're the fucking problem with this country as much as any goddamned backwards redneck.
At least a goddamned Neo Nazi or clan member has some freaking self-awareness. I'd sooner make friends with a fucking clan member than half the motherfuckers who grew up in this city. At least when a clan member says the N word or some fucked up race shit, I can call them a racist motherfucker and they'll just laugh because they know it's true, then they'll probably buy me a goddamned beer because I'm "one of the good ones".
Like Jesus fucking Christ I literally fantasize about how much of a breath of fresh air it would be to be friends with an actual white supremacist than these ignorant motherfuckers in this city who lack any and all self-awareness about how fucked up they are.
The ironic thing is that the person who pissed me off was European, but my daily consistent being pissed off at this city is just too goddamned much. I wanna move to West Philly where everyone's either gay or from out of town, the only two goddamned human traits that seem to make this city livable, other than knowing what a proper cheesesteak is. And some people can't even do that right, putting fucking cheese wiz on a cheesesteak. Goddamn motherfuckers.
Look, tourists can do whatever the fuck they want. If you wanna go to Pat's and Geno's and have them ruin a fucking cheesesteak by putting cheese wiz on it, you do you, that's the tourist experience or whatever. If you want a real cheesesteak, go to Ishkabibble II and get either American or provolone, but do not put cheese wiz on a fucking cheesesteak. I don't care what some "native" says.
Jesus fucking Christ I am angry I need to go calm down. I have repressed far too much black rage. I need to post some Boondocks shit.
tl;dr: This girl on Facebook had some shit to say and I was like:
RE: Gauging Interest in a new Erotic RP MU* (with anonymous survey)
Not that anyone asked, but maybe this will spark some kind of discussion. In a TS game, my generally most frequently played concepts are:
Slacker demon from hell who grants wishes, but the twist isn't that he wants your soul, it's that he wants to twist your wish into teaching you to sin and embrace your shames.
Mad scientist who is mostly focused on science, but resorts to Very Mad Science when he's attracted to someone. Like tampering with the laws of physics to bang a ghost.
Wizard who also does erotic wizard things and smokes magic hookah.
A Cheshire Cat man.
And various degenerate things that never quite get off the ground, but these are the three I tend to find myself playing most often, in that order, especially the first one.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Someone I barely know, who wrote a supplement for the tabletop book I freelanced on, noticed that I tend to get depressed (for lack of a better way to describe it) and not cook or eat properly for weeks until it passes, so she randomly bought me a toaster oven and a rice cooker.
Eating proper food while in a general mood where I don't even want to move or exist sometimes has been really helpful. I've been in a generally good mood lately.
Normally eating while in these weeks long phases isn't a huge problem, since with a microwave I just eat frozen dinners forever, but the microwave exploded a few months ago by shooting electricity repeatedly at a bag of popcorn and setting it on fire.
But now I can eat somewhat decent food, and I can even learn to bake in some minor ways, so I'm pretty excited. It just makes everything easier, and I don't feel overwhelmed by, y'know, having to feed myself.
RE: [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts
Repost from other thread.
Slacker demon from hell who grants wishes, but the twist isn't that he wants your soul, it's that he wants to twist your wish into teaching you to sin and embrace your shames.
Mad scientist who is mostly focused on science, but resorts to Very Mad Science when he's attracted to someone. Like tampering with the laws of physics to bang a ghost.
Wizard who also does erotic wizard things and smokes magic hookah.
A Cheshire Cat man.
And various degenerate things that never quite get off the ground, but these are the three I tend to find myself playing most often, in that order, especially the first one.
edit: @GreenFlashlight Those things you said are the bread and butter of erotic RP, understanding that is a masterclass in TS.
Hello!Project's Mysterious Game Project Thread
So unlike when I popped off and shot my load when I was gonna make a game before, I decided to take it slow and one step at a time, and not even announce the project until it's further along.
What I'd like to do is make this general thread for posting any questions I have, and eventually when the game is further along in its development, make a thread outside of this portion of the forum.
My first question here, that I never asked or felt the need to ask, is how customizable is Ares? Like, if you know Ruby and such, can you just code the whole game for your liking, or is it meant to function in a very specific way?
RE: [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts
Erotic MUSH except the entire world is one giant corporate office and we live there and are stressed out, and revolt with occultism and fucking. And some of the offices have been taken over by sects of anarchists who do sexy things and dance around a fire naked, with all of their calculators jailbroken to play Doom.
RE: Influence/Reputation system?
If social combat is treated as lesser than regular combat by staff, it'll be treated that way by players. If you put more emphasis on one thing than the other, then that's what players are going to do. Staff have to lead by example. If you present things a certain way and then say "But my intent was this other thing", it's simply not going to work.
That said, optional social combat rules, even if treated as equal to traditional combat, are not going to really change anything at all. It's true that you could make them be taken a bit more seriously by treating them as equal, but if people can pick and choose when rules apply to them, why have them?
Granted, I primarily only feel this way about tabletop games, I feel non-tabletop games without XP and stuff to gain are a little different when it comes to code. But in a tabletop game, where people actually have something to gain by using the code and following the rules, then everything you do affects the overall fairness of the game.
When it comes to a tabletop game, once social rules become optional, which is how they've been treated for a long time, then that option to opt out of social combat becomes a tactical aspect of the system rather than just a favor for the comfort of the players. It's a decision with consequences.
"I could get screwed, but if I opt out, I can save myself and possibly gain something/protect my character by not engaging in social combat."
Optional social combat rules always benefit the person with something to lose. The person choosing to engage in social combat, because it's what they've built their character around, has a significantly less useful character than everyone else, even though the system itself puts them on generally equal footing.
This is because characters built around actual combat have the option to literally opt out of something they'll have trouble defending against.
The only thing that would make that fair is if you give social characters an equal option. If a combat character comes after a social character with a rocket launcher, the social character's player should be able to say, "Sorry, I don't really do rocket launcher RP with code, my character would probably duck under it", because they didn't build their character around dodging rocket launchers.
Otherwise, you essentially screw an entire type of character and give another type of character a gigantic advantage.
RE: Influence/Reputation system?
This seems to be going in an unproductive circle. I mean, not to shit on the discussion or anything, but you guys are kind of wasting your time and being stuck at the same stage of the discussion infinitely.
RE: Influence/Reputation system?
@surreality D&D/Pathfinder and nWoD have perfectly functional systems for this stuff. A lot of people always say "The system doesn't work", but if you just approach and implement it in a reasonable way, like you suggested. With either of these situations that you mentioned, house rules wouldn't even be required, because they -already- note that you get negative modifiers for approaching something in a shitty way.
All that's really left is enforcement of the rules and taking them seriously, in a non-optional way. If the rules are used and executed correctly, then you're good to go (Again, now I'm talking about D&D/Pathfinder and nWoD). There are obviously systems outside of those, but people should worry a lot less about finding one particular ideal system, and more about finding a tested and functional one that people are familiar with, and actually bothering to tell people to use it.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
If I made a Star Wars game, it would start at the timeline of Force Unleashed, and then I would proceed to destroy all canon.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
@Rucket said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
I see @Aria talking about a Philly WoD game, and now all I want is a Philly WoD game where Gritty is some sort of supernatural creature that beats the shit out of alt-righters.
But I've also pined over 7th Sea for quite some time too, so I know @Cobaltasaurus's feels there.
Hello, Philly Native here.
I will accept this if Gritty smells like pee. I always insist that Gritty needs to smell like pee to truly embody Philly.
It's difficult to put into words about why this is true and right.
RE: Evennia - a Python-Based Mu* Server
MU*s are like "Fuck sliced bread, I want to cut my bread. God, what is with people and their goddamned modern plumbing and heating? Plebs. Sorry, I only listen to the radio, television shows are for lazy assholes and they're ruining entertainment. And god, those damned talking picture movies? No thanks."
We need things like Evennia to kick this hobby in the ass and actually try to evolve with the rest of the internet. I'm looking forward to it. Though I still want to make something even simpler that doesn't even require coding to make a MU (Future code goals), making something that uses Python is -really- good, because there some extremely simplified resources to learn it that doesn't involve combing through piles of documentation.
RE: What does advancement in a MU* mean to you?
There's a ton of interesting stuff here. I admit that in my mind, I keep thinking stuff like "I wonder if WoD can be done without XP in a way that doesn't make everyone angry", and other such thoughts along the lines of replacing XP with something that can give people a similar feeling of achievement or advancement.
I also think a lot of the stuff about motivation and meaning for both oldbies who worked really hard, and new players who need to catch up are interesting. My time on Windy City did indeed teach me that there is value in teaming up to fight against people who are more powerful than you as an individual, if you're unhappy with their status quo.
But yeah, there's a lot of useful knowledge and experience that I'm gonna try to make something out of, though I'll need some time (I literally spent today working on a song). And I'll have to read that Angry GM rant.
edit: Oh, and re: "better for whom", I obviously don't think there's anything inherently wrong with MU*ing, I just think that everyone can agree that tabletop books aren't meant for the long-form roleplay of like 100+ people simultaneously. So, I mean better in that regard. Also, when disagreeing, it's good to provide a productive alternative to the thing that you disagree with so that people can pick up on what would be a better idea.
RE: Emotional separation from fictional content
@Derp I don't really understand the necessity of "all or nothing". Everyone having their particular preferences of what they want to play and what they don't want to play is basically RP 101.
Just straight up dictating what objectively does or doesn't happen in the world just seems kind of bizarre and heavy-handed to me. I'm not sure why expecting people to be adults, which has literally been the cornerstone of every good MU I've ever played, is so outrageous that one needs to finely dictate in IC terms why certain events don't happen. That's just kind of really weird.
Like, plenty of games say "We don't accept these kinds of themes", but they don't go "Oh this never happens 'cause unicorn magic" or something. That's just lazy writing in my opinion.
Can you imagine if Full House went out of its way to explain why there is a lack of brutal murder in the series?