@ominous I'd assume they'd inherit the title of whichever person involved in their procreation had the title, and marriage would still be important, but admittedly I haven't thought through the gritty details.
Best posts made by SquirrelTalk
RE: Alternative Lords & Ladies Settings
RE: Alternative Lords & Ladies Settings
@ominous shrug! I didn't think people with important titles married each other, generally. Just hadn't thought about it much.
RE: Interest in Cyberpunk MU*?
For my money I'm more interested in Cyberpunk 20XX/RED/whathaveyou as a setting than I am with Shadowrun.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
@lotherio A new, explicit, 'go ahead and be gratuitously sexy or gropey even in non-sexual scenes' one, in this case. But ideally still with plots. What could go wrong???