I'm so so sorry!

Posts made by SuperiorHuron
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Not really a peeve, but if Leslie Jordan could just start announcing every disaster or bit of bad news from here on out, that'd be GREAT!
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Wretched I just sat down and started watching her videos last night. Someone else sent me her links. Starting with https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-nPM1_kSZf91ZGkcgy_95Q. Then I watched and watched and watched. And sent it to my husband and brother lol. Not sure where this woman was when I was diagnosed 9 yrs ago, but hey! She's helpful!
RE: RL things I love
This is one step closer to seeing my husband and step kids. So this is beyond happy. This is overwhelmingly ecstatic. I haven't seen my husband in almost 2 months, my step kids since before Easter. It's been rough goings. This is one step closer to getting my family reunited.
EDIT While this at first made me happy and in theory is great, one would have to quarantine for 2 weeks once in Canada. Which I can't do since I can't afford the time off...It's a one way trip. But it sounded good. And I do understand the reasoning behind it. So back to the drawing board...
RE: RL things I love
Because of well, social distancing, my summer was super unsure. But now, NOW, that restrictions have been lifted, I will be able to resume my women's and coed softball leagues. Which will leave me possibly broken, bruised, and busy. And it will be glorious! And the best outlet for legally smashing things.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Auspice I get pinterest crazy. I will go through picture after picture of things that hold my interest. For hours. I should show you. Im not even embarrassed. Books...When I told my boss about my ADHD diagnosis, she wasn't surprised. What I learned about myself during this pandemic is that I very much need routine. It lacked and I wasn't in a very good place mentally. I'm also very social. I had a great deal ripped away and I didn't handle anything well, so..I think when you learn more about YOU, the more you can work out an outlet that makes you happy.
RE: RL Sads
@SilentHills Hi! I know the feeling! It sucks, but this too will pass. It's been hard on a lot of people. Im not sure if anyone has been excluded. I've learned a lot during 2020, so no worries! About myself included. We all aren't so pretty! If you need an ear, you can yell at me me if you want.
To sum up the year so far..
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@RightMeow I have a mild form. So enough to drive me bananas and others. My Dr tried me on Welbutrin, which is also for depression. It was awful for ME. It was like I was in a fog and not inside my body, if that makes sense. I was distant and my reaction time was slow. My Dr's nurse stopped one day and asked me if I was ok. No. No I was not. I wasn't ME. So we weaned me off. And it was just a mild dose. I've learned to just live with it, to curb it myself. I drink my 20 oz coffee a day(yep, it's measured), and just do the things. My cleaning can take a day because I'll start collecting piles and then go start another pile, and start something else. Or forget something. My friends and family are used to it, but I understand not everyone knows me and realizes...I have overly bad days too, where Im all over. I don't know how those with severe cases manage. >_>
RE: RL things I love
Today is marks the official last day of homeschooling my teenager. And my almost full week of work in a couple months. Words can't say how excited I am to start normalcy in my house! My coed softball season will also be starting in a couple weeks. I'm sure normalcy will take awhile, as my family is still not completely together yet, but this is a start! That said, in honor of school being out..
SuperiorHuron's Playlist
Yes I know..I've played ARX for a year now. And I'm still learning. As I go. MU games are relatively new to me, so-that said!
Arx: Thea, Rosalind
Past: Skotos-Castle Marrach, Merrynn aka Merry
Discord? Kessie#3614Editing to add: All that said, I really don't mind the criticism, the truths, the hard facts. What should I be learning more of, what do you enjoy, hate! I had a rough patch for a minute, but alls is well
RE: RL things I love
https://imgur.com/a/vZcrNT6 love! Fresh cut grass. Hate! The fact it's still wet and clogging the mower. Take the good with the bad
RE: MU Things I Love
Being in an awesome prp with amazing people, with an even more amazing GM. Where your characters are "high as balls" and trying to fight things(no fault of their own here!) Just an all around good time. With everyone!
@JinShei Video doesn't wanna play in my filthy country.
RE: The Work Thread
My place of employment has decided, as of 2 days ago, to pay the premium of our health insurance. As for the rent that comes out of my checks, they also chose to stop that as well. Until further notice. None of which will be required to pay back. I've never felt more grateful or fortunate to be where I am. Ever.