@Janarc It's been such a rough go. I'm so sorry about your mom and everything else. Hang in there, it sounds like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs!

Posts made by SuperiorHuron
RE: RL Sads
@Macha when I want to drive my husband crazy, I play mc chris. https://youtu.be/MUu9SkBQcXw lol thats my humor on occassion.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I too recently had this testing done, in thanks to my work offering it to its employee. Mine was more than a finger prick however(I wish it was--I hate needles)My understanding is that these tests aren't 100% reliable, so I'm not sure how much stock to place in them...
@Aria haha you would think so, BUT lol Manchester Orchestra is one that I've found. A lot of Indie bands actually. I've just dipped into a whole new genre that I liked, but never delved into until recently. In response to yours? David Bowie and Queen's Under Pressure is probably one of my favorites. As soon as it starts, you instantly KNOW what it is. You turn it up and roll down the window....and like you said, things are more bearable.
Since this whole quarantine business had started, I found myself listening to more and more music. I've discovered more and more bands I've since being home, with my son repeatedly telling me I have bad taste(What does he know. He's almost 14. I've raised him better that what he listens to! HA!) So anyway, what are some of YOUR favorite songs/musicians? What do you think I should try?! I like everything everything, so nothing is off limits!
RE: RL things I love
https://imgur.com/a/hsurILb This! This view made me happy! A WHOLE LOTTA HAPPY!
RE: Books...Books...Books....
@silverfox I'm an avid reader and do it all the time. Just sometimes there are favorites and this one I've put through the ringer lol I wasn't even born in the 70's but how far we've come and yet..how much we still have to learn? This book is amazing to me. And sad. I love it. I almost went into teaching because of it.
RE: Books...Books...Books....
Nothing new. It's a book I've had since my High School psychology class, called Lovey: A Very Special Child. It's actually written by a special needs teacher/therapist from I believe the 70s. She wrote the book to give a glimpse in her earlier years trying to earn her degree and struggles in the school system with such children. The book isn't even in print anymore and my copy is so worn down, it's taped together. It's one of my favorites and I've recommended to everyone.
RE: RL things I love
Taught my son how to mow the lawn this weekend. The hard way. Basically, the benefits and value of hard work. Followed by him cooking dinner on his own this evening. I'm loving the teachable moments!
RE: RL Sads
@silverfox I honestly don't think teachers got nearly as much credit as they deserved. I know so many teachers that genuinely cared for their students and did everything they could . My son's teachers were and have been absolutely amazing with us. They've kept in contact the best way they could. So to you, thank you so so much for everything you done! I certainly hope everything is better for you next year!
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I like to fix things. Whether it's disagreements of whatever, so when I can't or I feel like it's just gone all haywire, it sort of festers. I hate unfinished/unsolved problems! And then I feel godawful. I'm an asshole like that.