Pick my son up from his father's and naturally..he's bringing home a injured bird. Begging me to bring him to tend to it. Tomorrow we call our vet tech friend, where we got our nubbed tailed cat from..Until then, meet Weebler.

Posts made by SuperiorHuron
RE: RL things I love
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
My husband, who is Canadian and has been stuck there for almost 3 months was making plans to come here to visit in the next week or 2. For a few days. A little while ago, I got a message from his ex wife saying she was in the emergency room. She was swabbed for Covid and screened positive. She's in isolation and being pumped with meds and fluids because of a migraine and such. My husband and inlaws were just there over the weekend to see my stepson receive his 8th grade certificate. I've missed so much already. Birthdays, graduations--and they're continuing. Now this. Now I'm just sitting here praying and hoping that it comes back negative. For him and my kids. And the rest of my family there. Because there's not a damn thing I can do from here....
Update Test came back negative...Thank God...
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Epic mom fail. I accidentally flipped off my 13 yo son. Thank god we all have a sense of humor.!
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@Macha this feels like a piece of my childhood breaking. Oh man!
the maggot rice gets me every time!
RE: Critters!
@surreality said in Critters!:
@SuperiorHuron OMG, that faaaaaaace! It's the 'I may be trouble but you love me anyway? I'm all choked up!' face of
He's amazing and protective and loves all kids. I really couldn't ask for a better dog. My new puppy however...lol let us only pray he learns.
RE: Critters!
This is Winston. He's 4. He has hip dysplasia and has already had hip surgery. Breaks out in hives and his eyes have swelled shut from every mosquito bite, bee stings....he got flees once and had to get a steroid shot. He takes daily meds of meloxicam and gabapentin, gimping when he's pushed to hard or didn't take his meds. He's a young dog in an old man body. Costs an arm and a leg, BUT wouldn't take any of it back.
RE: Critters!
@silverfox Something outside maybe? There's a lot of weird pollens and such. My dog is allergic to every insect bite known to man and I always have to have benedryl on hand. Maybe call your vet? I'm sorry
Hope she feels better soon!
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Macha ah, I'm sorry on that
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Macha toast with nutella and strawberries..I learned that at least you get fruit. I have yet to get a nutritional value of nutella, but I talked myself into a health benefit >_>
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Rinel That's when I eat the cereal or the toast
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@Rinel said in Dead Celebrities 2020:
@SuperiorHuron said in Dead Celebrities 2020:
"Roads go ever ever on
Under cloud and under star,
Yet feet that wandering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
Eyes that fire and sword have seen
And horror in the halls of stone
Look at last on meadows green
And trees and hills they long have known....
The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet."Makes me tear up a bit now
@Saulot said in MUSIC:
On top of all that I've fallen in love with the Deftones all over again.Yeah..There's something about the Deftones..I've loved them for years...Quarantine has definitely been an awesome opportunity to discover new music. I know I've delved down quite the rabbit hole myself. My pandora and spotify accounts are a bit scattered right now lol. Different generes everywhere. So from Deftones to Mumford and Sons, Manchester orchestra, seafret, amber run, the teskey brothers...THEN Five Finger Deathpunch and all of that, then country...lol My house is nuts right now.
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
@Darren said in Diversity Representation in MU*ing:
@Auspice said in Diversity Representation in MU*ing:
@Darren said in Diversity Representation in MU*ing:
@Auspice said in Diversity Representation in MU*ing:
@saosmash said in Diversity Representation in MU*ing:
@Auspice Man, I live in the pacific northwest and every single time I have tried out chicken with waffles it has had a motherfucking bone in it. This knowledge you are sharing that it is supposed to be a boneless chicken tender makes the whole thing make so much more sense.
That was where I tried it. I JUST MISSED MY SOUTHERN FOOD. Yeah, the PNW is fucking it up.
It's not supposed to have a bone in it!
Imagine those long chicken tenders (some places call 'em chicken fingers) instead. That's what you should have with chicken and waffles.
There's a taco place here in TX called Torchy's and every month they have a taco of the month and one month they did a chicken and waffles taco.... It was a flour tortilla topped with a waffle topped with bacon topped with a fried egg topped with a chicken tender and then syrup over top and I honestly dream of that thing sometimes.
I'd have to Nope! out of trying that. If I want sweet chicken, I'll order some General Tso's.
Yeah but I don't even like syrup on pancakes.
Um...I don't even like pancakes that much--I may be one of few, to be honest...my random psa. There is this place in town(I live in a really small town), that sells these amazing milkshakes..that well, look like these....my milkshake brings Also..strawberry shortcake.
RE: Critters!
I thought it would be this amazing idea to buy a sprinkler specifically geared toward my dogs. More the puppy, since he tries to climb in the tub while I shower, eat the water...you know, the normal puppy thing. Obviously, I failed. I want my money back!
RE: Critters!
Mine wore one after getting fixed. Looked like a stoned lampshade.