I've recently hit the 'I don't think I can do this any more' in terms of RP point, which, as @bored mentions, is a bit of a thing sometimes around here.
It isn't a lack of options for me, that much I can say. I long ago lost count of all of the people who, with genuine good intent, always reached out to invite me to join them on a variety of games whenever I'd mention being in a slump, frustrated, etc. There are genuinely good people here, full stop, who give an actual damn about the other people here.
So it isn't lack of options, at least not for me. It's that I genuinely appreciate people who, most of them barely knowing me from a hole in the wall, are that open, considerate, and welcoming. It's that I have had a pretty epic string of bad luck going on for about 8 years now, with what looks like it's gonna be the final blow to whatever heart I had to try the 'delve into a story and whee!' again; I've been dropped on my head too many times in a row on that particular trust fall and am brain-damaged at this point, more or less.
The latest incident of this [not the batshit crazy story] involved a very dear friend of a handful of years, someone I can honestly say I trusted more than I've trusted anyone before in my life, and... well, it has all gone so sideways that somebody may as well have reached into my chest and tore my heart out, shrugged a little, tossed it over their shoulder, and wiped the blood off their hands on their pants before insisting everything's cool, right? Right? Yeah... no. After that, my heart for that part of the hobby, and any last little flicker of hope I could find any happiness there, is hidden under the raccoon's butt, y'all.

(Sorry... but it's about dead on.)
But about... 2-3 years ago, now, starting on WORA, I asked a lot of questions about how people do stuff. How would they improve it? And I watched the same arguments play out over and over, with very little ever getting resolved, and the only real agreement being that there was no way known to solve any of them. I stopped asking the questions, and instead started looking for the roots of the problems, as I saw them, and try to come up with ideas outside the echo chamber of 'it can't be done'.
And for the most part, I shut up, retreated into my cave, and tinkered. I expected it would be a process that would take, say, a few months. It's been years now. I'm still tinkering. It's slow going, but it's going. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won't. Once in a while, I still ask questions. I'm still interested in that project because, as of right now, at least, it's a problem to solve, and maybe it's something that could be useful to folks, some of whom I mention above as doing things I think are good and good-hearted things, and plenty of others who I have had plenty of fun with over the years.
There are always new and more problems, and when they emerge, they seem to do it here. Then they can get added to the list of things that, frankly, may not make me happy the way RP once did, but at least help to take my mind off of the being sad bit when I have to beat my head against code (which I am incredibly bad at) and so on.