The 100 is a great show. The series by S.M. Stirling, 'Dies the fire' came to mind as well, but I thought that would be even more obscure as a reference.
Posts made by Taika
RE: Game Idea
RE: Game Idea
I am Legend might be another one, sans zombies. Big cities are fairly barren and crumbling, small-ish pockets of people are banding together to make the best of a bad situation. I love a good zombie theme, but I don't want to do a zombie mush. This is also why I was hoping to find people to brainstorm with, since I have a hard time going from idea in my head to well written and planned out theme.
A little bit wild west, a little bit no-man's land, a lot of crumbling architecture and Things living in the shadows and ruins. I really like a good personal struggle/horror theme, and plan to have an overarching evolution of the state of things based on what the players do. Perhaps not as in detail as RFK had for their grid and systems, but definitely 'if group A blows up building C, it will affect the grid and plotline in a meaningful manner'.
RE: Game Idea
Sorry! You're right, I should have been more specific. Chronicles of Darkness, NWoD 2.0.
For 'near future', I think Book of Eli, or Maze Runner. Not sci-fi or Shadowrun level of futuristic doodads. Close enough to be readily related to, and far enough away that the theme can be crafted into its own thing. It'll make resource gathering and holding important, even for mortals.
The 'where' I'm pretty open about - a lot of places have been done or overdone, and a grid can be built to match most locations. Leaving it open ended allows discussion on what sort of 'where' people might want to see. Having it be a near future theme also leaves more room for just making up a small settlement or city as well. I'm not sure there would be a lot of pretty little cafes sitting around chock full of food in a post-SHTF setting.
Thanks for the link! I also found the hosting link for DigitalOcean.
Game Idea
I've been tossing around the idea of working on a 2.0 game for a while. One with a near future 'world collapsing on itself' type of theme and active overarching loose plotline.
Which leaves me in need of a couple things:
A host.
A code base (I know there's 2.0 code, but no idea how to install it. Oops.)
And ideas on location, etc. I can build and desc, etc, but not so hot at hammering out tiny details on my own.For spheres, I'm thinking mortal/+ to start, amd adding vamp/wolf once there's a better idea of how to handle territory and the like. I really enjoyed how RFK made turf and social skills relevant, but I'm not sure I like how staff intensive the supporting systems got.