@chibichibi Looks like reskinned Sheltering Skies.

Posts made by Taika
RE: Do people still MU*?
RE: City of Shadows MUX
@Kay >.> I suffer from 'stared at it too long' and 'I know the backside and forget people don't always see what I see'. If you're comfortable helping toss in a +request when you find missing stuff, I can try to make sure it gets added. Our 'ling staffer has Covid and I'm on the upswing (finally!) of a nasty sick of some sort.
RE: What Would it Take to Repair the Community?
@Bellecourt >.> I didn't reply there cause I replied here. Just by happenstance, I saw the post here first. <.<
RE: City of Shadows, LF a +1
@Ganymede makes grabby hands Worst case, it'd be a good place to start. I'm currently spitballing something like a set list of mods with a point cost, then a time/resource cost based on how much +# there is, with the mod-points capping at Crafts skill level wth a required '1/2 of total mod points, round up' in negatives. And some wiggle room for crazy ideas that can get some on-the-fly point cost assigned.
For example: A +3 gun with 8-again (2pt mod) (stepped down from a natural 9-again) would have a minimum 3 weeks time, cost 3 +resource points, and have 1pt flaw to it. Loosely. It's barely a formed idea, let alone a system, just yet.
Trying to keep it simple and streamlined, be flexible and hard(ish) to abuse and flood the game with crazy stuff is proving tricksy.
RE: City of Shadows, LF a +1
@Ganymede >.> That'd be epic <.< Doing a clean up/re-work to pull the post-apoc references is on the to-do list, I just won't really have time to do it until after school starts and it's kind of low on the list compared to some other things (looking at you, crafting system.)
RE: City of Shadows, LF a +1
@Bellecourt For sure. Hit me up in the next day or two. Between being done with vending prep and vending and the youngest starting school this year my time time should open up a ton in the next two weeks ^.^
RE: Your yearly 'Active WOD' request thread.
I've been puttering at cleaning up CoS' grid and database and can keep an eye about if people want to play there. Might be coaxed into running some plot, don't mind doing jobs. More than a handful of peeps, I'd need some staff for, though. It has code for ling/mage/wolf/vamp/m/m+, but I have it tuned to wolf/vamp atm.
RE: Crimson Dynasties -- A Vampire: The Requiem 2e MUSH set in modern Beijing
I poked my head in for a little bit. The wiki was extremely barebones, especially for someone not familiar with Ares. I think nixing all the covenants and writing in three big ones without giving them abilities to compensate for the loss one gets from being, say, Circle of the Crone, or whatever was a huge detriment. A lot of what I saw came across as a major lack of understanding for the system and the theme of the core game itself, and how those pieces interacted.
RE: City of Shadows
We're still kicking around, reworking some stuff on the wiki. Stripped it back down to a more manageable wolf/vamp/mortal/M+ layout again.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
Can VPN's be blocked on normal tinymux servers? That might get him out of my hair, too. I guess he popped around a week or so ago and I missed his appearance on pubchan.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
@GirlCalledBlu I don't know. Not a game I played on and not a person I really knew/knew of previously. Or I did but didn't know who she was? I've never been good at knowing who is who until it's too late. I'm sure someone else will know, though!
ETA: sleepy, insomnia phone typing. Fixing typos.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
shudders Yeah, this is all him. I think he got banned from CoS in May or June, and it opened in November and he STILL logs on to make noise like some obsessive, gloating toad. It's really pathetic. Him and some friend of his generically known(?) as Kitty (she wasn't banned, but asked to leave until we opened cause woah). In fact those two almost kept the game from opening entirely cause if their soul-sucking bs.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
@krmbm No, he makes logins named jizzum and 'c-word' and the like. Usually logs on and right off, but sometimes lurks to make noise. Uses vpn's so I can't really whack-a-mole. Been at it for the better part of a year now. Very. Special.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
Wonder if it's the same guy I'm still having problems with on CoS.
RE: Depression Meals
Chili mac.
Weenie mac.
Instant mashed potatoes + butter + cheap ass lunchmeat cut up, ish. + Mrs. Dash (or similar seasoning type thing). Sometimes add corn (frozen works).
Pan fried/smooshed tater tots with cheese and hamburger stirred in. Ugly-delicious-comfort food that sits like a warm rock in the gut.
Lazy ass italian wedding soup for the sick days. 2x cartons chicken broth. 1 bag italian meatballs. Two big spoons of minced garlic. Bunch of italian seasoning. Add tiny pasta (ancini de pepe ideally, but whatever. Motherfucking alphabet noodles are great). Spinach can be added to a bowl, but if you got no fucks, it's a 'dump shit in a pot, stir the seasoning in, make it boil' kind of thing. -
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@surreality What the everloving fuck? That'd be a punched doctor. -Informed motherfucking consent- is not 'hold that'.
RE: RL Anger
Late to the Square party. Maybe it's because I got mine right when they rolled out, but... $20 to open a basic checking account and I got my small card swiper for free. If they've changed things, cool, but my experience? They really didn't require anything out of reach.
I'm curious, though. Are homeless people not allowed to have a $50 smartphone with a monthly activation card? (aka, cheap ass burner phone). Are they not allowed to have had a bank account they keep a few bucks in to keep it open?
Hell, I kind of applaud their creativity if genuinely in need of help. Most people I know? Don't carry cash. Being able to shift their panhandling to fit with the current trend of not carrying cash just seems adaptive to me, not necessarily exploitative.
RE: City of Shadows
Soft open has arrived! Still cleaning some constriction dust and getting things onto the wiki, but we're now approving apps.
RE: City of Shadows
@thenomain gave me the go ahead.
Changeling code is in and live. Needs to be bug tested, so come, build a sheet, treat her rough XD Now it's just the final sprint to get info up on the wiki and the last few descs up on the grid.
RE: PC vs Player Assumptions
I think it's because they're harder, in some ways, to wrap your head around. The doors, at least. Reminds me that I need to find or make some flow sheets for these.