There's just some arguments not worth having, and some things that, in the process of trying to fix them, get more broken.
For example:
I don't care about dinosaurs. We're low and slow xp, if someone is a dino? They busted their ass and helped build the game with their stories.
I don't care about trying to force an unnatural balance between spheres - I've seen it on a bunch of games and in debates here. People are never happy with the results, and often a handful of hr's throw things so out of wack tjat you need 10 more to try and fix it.
I hate hr's. It's hard enough for ST's to run stuff as it is, without adding 'Dig through an often disorganized wiki for obscure, badly written rulings' to the pile.
I find these things to be massive energy sinks with an itty bitty return that just isn't worth the amount of stress and burnout they can cause from arguing in circles.
@Ganymede is pretty familiar with my approach, by now, I feel. (Remember the dual praxes and the Diptheria plot, Gany? Man that was some backstabby fun.)
Make it easy for people to tell their stories. Hold people accountable and communicate about things. Be flexible as staff - if people wanna destroy chunks of grid? Let them. But you bet there will be consequences. @digging is easy. PK HAS to be warned of, and announced to staff ahead of time. No surprise kills, unless both parties are totally fine with it - yes, you can spend your own xp (mostly), yes staff will be watching and newspapering if a pk is requested/declared and someone dumps a bunch of xp.
Come, tell your crazy ass stories. DO over the top shit. Break things. Get your things broken. Live. Die. Start again. Fast, and fun, and simple. But also with a goal of creating that depth that makes people want to stick around. Some people want the kind of intensity and crazy from ye olde tabletop days of yore. Some people want the politics and the reasons to hold territory and work together. And I'm going to do my best to rally the growing team of folks on staff to give people that wild ride, those near death experiences that make people slump back in a chair after a scene and need a cigarette like: /fuck/.
Don't be afraid to lose, because losing can be amazing. Chicks dig scars.
This is where I'm coming from. I want to focus on story and building a fantastic game. I don't want to throw away energy worrying about things overly or getting sucked into arguments with no real end.