Plot is the easy part. There's been a ton of idea tossing and I'm sitting on so many plot ideas. I'm super excited to run them and see them run.
Here's the helpfile from the game on xp gains. All pc's start with 10xp.
XP Gains
+- A passive beat (.2 xp) will be awarded nightly.
+- Players can earn +2 beats (.4 xp) per plot scene participated in. This can include large
social scenes, or important, smaller, social scenes such as Clan meetings as well as more
plot and combat oriented scenes.
+- +1 beat (.2xp) is granted to ST's for running scenes as a show of appreciation for the
hard work involved.
+- An additional +1 beat (.2xp) for running or being in a plot from the +plots roster.
+- Fulfillment of Aspirations
+- Some conditions award beats.
+- +Randomscene (Max of 7 additional beats per week.)
+- Taking lethal damage in one of the last 3 boxes.
+- Dramatic Failures.
+- Each sphere also has specific events that gives beats (Such as frenzy.)
Randomscene is some custom code. Remember how RfK had those custom matched lists of people to rp with?
+rs is codified. It selects a list of Approved pc's and gives you a handful of people to match to, up to +7 beats/week. I want to say it pulls a list of 10 names, allowing for timezones and such.
The first 2 weeks that someone is on the game, they are constantly matchable. I believe that Sombronax pulled both from RfK's idea and the code from Arx for inspiration.