@ganymede said in Mass Effect MU*?:
Not sure what I'd do about tech powers, which always seem to be the red-headed step-children in ME. In my custom system, I boiled those powers down to hacking abilities via an Omni-tool; Incinerate became Overheat, for example. So, I can also see a sort of "hacking" attack that could shock/damage a target or cause them to lose a turn (from getting stunned or fried from an electric jolt through their shielding system).
Double post, sorry not sorry.
I think that you're getting here at one of the really fundamental questions to ask yourself in terms of what you want to run and what people want to play, which is, 'what powers are you using?'
On A&O, we used the ME3 multiplayer skill list because it was varied, but also small enough to wrap our head around, and we didn't have a combat system so it didn't matter whether things worked there or not. We saw a really varied display of types of players. Everyone got three powers, like in MP, and no two characters were the same. It was actually super interesting watching people play with their strengths and learn how to build via teamwork.
If you limit that list down, you'll have a different result. Maybe not a bad one, but definitely a different one.
Did not having a system work well for us? Sometimes. Sometimes not. It worked better for biotics and engineers than it did for truly combat-oriented characters.
You COULD possibly choose to only have straight up shooting and combat skills present in FS3 and do everything else as a background skill (this is how we did most mutation on X-Factor), and manually adjust things like, say, penetration if someone takes down a (strictly RPed) shield in the previous turn, but it starts to get clunky and weird and non-intuitive.
Anyway, I have lots of Thoughts about ME in FS3 and if you ever want to bounce things around, feel free to ping me.