@ganymede said in Mass Effect MU*?:
I thought about this, but I think you could modify the existing code for combat. For example, combat/treat is used to heal injuries in combat and revive people for a period of time. That command could be cloned and slightly altered to augment a PC's armor. I don't know if it can be done, but if Faraday's code is easy to modify -- I have no reason to believe it can't be -- I don't see why it isn't possible. Maybe not now, but maybe a bit later.
Armor and shields are very different things, primarily because of the re-gen factor. It's not actually the augmentation that's difficult, it's the taking down shields and barriers, and the possibility to re-generate them. For example, one of the primary uses of overload is to fry shields in one fell zap. You can take that aspect out, definitely, but for me that's part of why I like about Mass Effect.
I hesitate to call myself 'a coder', but I have written code and messed with customization in FS3. Adding what is essentially regenerating HP points could be done, but it's not a minor change. It's the bit that keeps hanging me up (that, plus I'm not ever going back to MUSH if I can help it, so I'm waiting for Ares).
It's going to work a bit different on this game.
The centerpiece is going to be the company's resource management engine, something that keeps track of the PCs' contribution to the team. It will be the driving factor that motivates players to put their PCs into combat and take risks. At least, that will be the goal.
As far as skills go, I envision Action Skills being similar to BSG:U, with a few things swapped in and out. There'd probably be a "Biotic" skill, along with a few "harvesting" and "crafting" skills relevant to the resource management system. But it won't have the "special skills" that you see in ME games.
Are you envisioning 'biotic' as the skill and specific attacks/abilities as weapons? That will work for many things, but not all. Maybe it's not an issue if you're willing to cut out anything that deals with shields and barriers. The sort of 'special skills' you're losing vs those you're keeping will definitely have a huge effect here.
I think there's a thin line between simplifying the gameplay and losing a lot of the flavor of what makes ME fun for a lot of people. It's sort of the catch 22 of setting a text-based game in the world of a game that is designed to be.... well. A game. We're never going to match those mechanics.
That said, sometimes mechanics have a lot of weight in canon, too. For example, there's a balance in terms of keeping enough biotic stuff to make the general feel and history of biotics make sense, while keeping it doable in the system.
For me, playing combat on AO was often really freaking fun because of the wild stuff we could do with ME's skills. I'm not sure how much that could've been pared down to get a similar effect.
I mean, this is going to require some work, yes. But Faraday's supportive of efforts to use her new system, and I'm hoping we can build on that. If you and @Three-Eyed-Crow, and anyone else, are on board to help out, then I think we can start considering a schedule.
If I weren't on board building a different game, I'd be all over it. I'm pretty sure people will hit me over the head if I take on two, though.
That said, if you do end up on Ares and you want any help doing things like breaking the web portal in new and interesting ways, let me know.