I have less to say about this but to add some comments, and shorten it. My additions in bold.
@Corruption said:
Pick Setting, Theme (Write the Newsfiles)
Decide what Spheres will be allowed. (1a. Pick which WoD.)
Find staffers for the appropriate Spheres.
This one is vaguely contentious. Find experts. Find people who want to buy into this game. Sphere staff have a horrible tendency to form their own Kingdoms. Do not let them. Tell them they can quit if they don't want to share their position.
Do not hesitate to fire a staffer who is not going along with the game's theme or culture. To leave this person in power is to tacitly approve their actions and authority.
- Hire Coder. Give coder all needed "We need this common code, we need this customized code."
Be careful about asking a coder if it's okay that their code gets shared. Tell them that the code is for the game, regardless what happens later, even if you won't share it. Staffers are contractors; build and code staff doubly so.
- Get everyone to write a substantial amount of News and help files. Make sure everyone understands the Theme and Setting. Get people planning initial plots. Make sure everyone's down with the staff structure and the basic rules of operation that will be used. Buildwizard(s) Can begin writing grid and planning layout.
Builders are just as important to your RP staffers as setting is important to your theme. Some of us coders don't get along with the theme, but a coder with buy-in is a dedicated coder.
- Aquire site. Three people need the PW for this: Coder, Sitewiz, Owner. No one else ever will need access.
The lead coder does not, at any time, need access to the shell. Only give access to the shell to people who need to set up things that can only be set up at that level, and whom you trust implicitly. Do not give anyone else access to your shell.
If you trust your lead coder that much then sure, but do not lump them in this list. Only one person needs access: You. (Your site host already has access.)
- Open game. Finalize code, finalize wiki.
Nothing else needs said here. Do not give wizbits to anyone who doesn't need them. Not because of paranoia, but because of what can be broken.
Don't trust just anyone to do shortcuts available to wizbits.
- Once the +news. +help, Grid, code, Wiki and all that jazz is assembled, test the fuck out of everything.
This should be before 6.
- Ads go up. You are open. Wait a week or two before introducing heavy plots. Otherwise, go, go, go!
Hope that helps.