@Sammi said:
Something else to say: You were talking about how you couldn't think of any concepts that would fit the new Seemings, but Vera would have made a fantastic 2nd Ed Ogre.
I had thought of that, except there's something about these things are being written that bothers me. Part of the point of Vera was that her anger and hate came in part from wanting to fall into being a Fairest. Under the new system, she would be Just Another Self-Hating Ogre, and after skimming the Kith document there's nothing pretty-pretty-princess an Ogre would have to fight against. Boring boring boring.
At the end of Vera, she had come to terms with this, or as much terms as she was going to come to, which was a perfect time for Vera to end.
I don't mind the Ogre write-up itself, but I am disappointed that the options for the new Changeling seem to backslide on how easy the game could be a game of Fighting Fate, at least as presented so far. In nChangeling, you could be a killer flower, but what you did with that was up to you. Now, if your agency is a fair-hearted leader, you have to be a Fairest. If your agency is bully, you have to be an Ogre. You might disagree, but if you read the OP threads on these you'll find out that I'm not alone in reading it this way.
Or present it the other way around. If you want to be an Ogre you must be secretly sensitive. If you want to be a Fairest, you have to be super-concerned about those you order around. These are their curses, their breaking points. Boring boring boring.
I'm going to chalk this one up to these write-ups being first drafts, and therefore wishing they weren't. I'll hold on to some optimism, but much more cautiously now.