Sounds like they are operating like it's.... 1995? Maybe as late as 1998? Been reading a lot on the 'new workplace' and how people are not going to fight tooth and nail for employment with limited scope and no promises of anything resembling employer loyalty to said prospects. I work in the old school corporate hive mind where the idea of telecommuting and people working in their pajamas is a cardinal sin or some such. Course I see the fresh new executives showing up at the office once every other week and go to drop in offices wherever they feel like it. So there is some updating going on but it's only for the sons (and one or two daughters) of the executives getting hip to their kids requests for a more open and adaptable workplace.
That said, Auspice, I don't blame you at all for politely declining this rare opportunity to bust your ass for an amazing opportunity to be treated as a disposable asset. I think they are going to find very few willing to jump through their hoops for this chance at being employed for a whopping three months. The employment landscape is changing and in some ways, very much for the better.

Posts made by TwoGunBob
RE: The Work Thread
RE: The Crafting Thread
I've been messing with my own undead Bloodborne/Dark Souls inspired beastie for Dragon Rampant.
Nearing completion but someone said with the basing that now there's too much green so I guess I'm going back to the shroud with more browns and tans to offset it. Lots of hot glue and Dollar Tree Halloween decorations. Just glad that I finally had a sickness induced fever dream that inspired me to make use of them.
Well, there was the first prototype but the big skulls were too goofy and the Dollar Tree Gravelord Nito needed work so obviously my fever dream told me how to correct it.
RE: What's your nerd origin story?
Jason and the Argonauts played multiple times over the PBS station. The climatic fight with the Children of the Hydra pretty much cemented my love of fantasy. I started reading all the collected books of mythology I could get my hands on. Somewhere in there I remember reading Richard Avery's 3rd Expendables book- the War Games of Zelos. My sister in law's brother approached me somewhere in there and like every good dealer told me there was a game where YOU could fight animated skeletons like in the Argonauts film.
To be honest, he put me through Tomb of Horrors and killed me a dozen times but I was still completely sold on this game and saved up to buy my own Basic Set of Dungeons and Dragons. It was a hard sell on my neighborhood friends and mostly unsuccessful. It wasn't until 6th grade that a few of us managed to find each other and start playing on weekends.
MU*s came about after my high school group had finished college and started scattering to the four winds with jobs, marriages, just getting the hell out of Texas, etc. Needed those stories to still be told after all. Still, looking back, I don't think I ever quite grasped the dynamics of MUSH, MUX, etc. despite being staff and all that.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
@tiredewok Blank Reg down? I'm truly saddened by that one.
RE: NaNoWriMo 2018
I guess I'm in. I usually don't get too invigorated by it these days but what the heck.
RE: Interest check: WH40K Only War
As long as Spice Mareen apps were routinely rejected we'd be in business. Don't need Brother Custodious Supreme Ligotiator of the Porcelain Brown Terrors and his squad of Deathwatch marines stealing the show. Even worse one of those Soul Drinker cleansed Chaos Marines making an appearance to show off his taint.
Still, having read Fifteen Hours it still didn't feel very Warhammer-(y) as a day in the life of a guardsman. I liked the Gaunt's Ghost stories but that was the first bit of 40K fluff I'd read in a long time and it did feel like these are the battles that are not important enough to merit a Space Marine detachment. -
RE: Good or New Movies Review
I'll throw my hat in that they managed to really prove themselves in building a true structure that they could have so many characters and managed to keep a coherent narrative. No questions as to what a character's motivations were and exposition was just about right to keep things flowing. Fight choreography was up to the usual standards, maybe even better than usual, with the teamwork aspect giving me the warm fuzzies a lot. There was not a character appearance that didn't just hit my comic fan button all over the place. Opinions from the kids had Hulk stealing the show possibly Dr. Strange.
It's a long movie but it did not feel long at all. Just one of those moments where pacing, scene changes, action pieces, all kind of fall together into a really good film. -
RE: The Crafting Thread
Do you like purple? I like purple... Well, maybe not a ton but people I love do love purple so I purpled the hell out of purple and made a purple (complimentary color yellow) army of knights in partial plate with a steam tank led by a knight on a purple and yellow dragon. Actually I figured the dragonrider showed up and the army formed under her leadership and adopted their colors to match her.
I also did some stuff like... I mean at the gaming con last year someone just LEFT this poor unloved Happy Meal toy from Hercules so I took him home and gave him so love and attention.
And yeah, even Dollar Tree Halloween decorations get on the battlefield after I take them home and give them a lick of the brush.
Guess I just felt the need to say I've been crafty and productive.
RE: Do you buy your RPG books?
I guess I'm still the ten year old at heart because I like to read and digest my RPG's lying on the couch or in bed. My last purchase was Blades in the Dark and I bought the digital copy, started to print it and put it in sheet protectors but that book became way too unwieldy in a binder. Turned around and bought the limited edition book since they had a handful leftover from the kickstarter and have happily immersed myself in Duskvol at bedtime for quite awhile now.
Hmmm, did the same thing with Dungeon World and Owl Hoot Trail as well. I try to get on the digital train but I just don't quite digest digital rulebooks the same if that makes any sense. Sounds dumb but I feel I read them differently. -
RE: Good TV
Does it have Clarissa in it? Or Caroline Rhea? I love Clarissa but dislike Melissa Joan Hart kind of if that makes any sense.
Finished the Punisher, ready for season two of it if only because I think they'll make a better villain. I'm really thinking that Marvel Netflix shows are more defined by the quality of their villains than the heroes.
RE: Good TV
Mr. Robot has made me happy. It's weird that I have to stop and think that this series has possibly crept into my top ten list of favorite shows ever now. I think to myself that it doesn't top McGoohan's The Prisoner which is probably my #1 show forever and ever but Mr. Robot has really resonated with me in a way television hasn't in a long time.
The Punisher is neither super nor heroic but feels like such a character study into rage, suppression, depression and I appreciate the tonal shift. I have one episode left and it seemed to be dragging at points but looking over it again it seems pretty well paced. Which also reinforced what a nightmare The Inhumans was to watch by comparison.
RE: The Crafting Thread
And just because I'm uploading again, the last painting spell was in August when I was in medium sized dragon mode. Elven leader on venom dragon.
And my leader figure for the undead Romans. Totally inspired by that old Dungeons and Dragons module CM2 Death's Ride... Only the dragon was blue on the cover.
RE: The Crafting Thread
Photobuquet's hostage situation made me angry. I finally got over myself and just started an imgur profile and up loaded some pics of my latest painting. I kind of stalled awfter doing a Mantic dwarven army and Mantic elven army for Dragon Rampant. I kind of tail spinned in my painting enthusiasm and worked on the Elven Flying Cavalry forever and finally have them ready to be sealed.
Firstly I repainted a Halloween prop from Dollar General to act as a greater warbeast for my skeletal Romans.Then there was this Happy Meal toy a vendor left after a convention over the summer. He left this pile of poor, unloved toys so I took this home (1996 Hercules Happy Meal toy research found) and gave him a repaint to use as a rock golem great warbeast.
Then there's the Reaper Skeletal Behemoth that was purchased for me as I can't have TOO MANY greater warbeasts.
Then there's the flying elite Eleven warrior maidens on pegasi. They need to be sealed and then mounted on their flying bases but ouch, I stalled forever on getting them finished. More pictures of them once I get them on their stands.
I'm working on 15th century fantasy knights, pikemen, archers, etc. now. Trying hard to hash out a purple and yellow scheme for them but not quite getting that purple right. Feels good to be painting again, and feels REALLY good to knock out so many figures in short order as I started in on Sunday.
RE: RL Anger
Oh wow, flashback to working at a grocery store and having a jogger come in wearing a tank top and gym shorts. He basically asks where the bathroom is and RUNS down the aisle after he gets directions, "back of the store, left of the butcher block."
It's minutes later and there's a call because there's a streaking trail of diarrhea leading down the aisle and into the back, single stall, bathroom. The bathroom itself is a disaster, like the guy exploded in there which is possible as we found his shorts, shirt, and underwear which were completely saturated in wet fecal matter.
So we begin jokes about how oblivious we all must be if a jogger completely shit himself, left an incrminiating trail, stripped naked, and then exited the store without being noticed.Now, my belief is that he stole a change of clothes from the Dallas Cowboys stand that was near the bathroom but I can't verify anything more than him coming in, exploding in fecal matter, and vanishing.
And, yes, they tried to put me on bathroom detail for that one but I advised them I'd cleaned enough shit in my teenage years and it was time for another teenager to step up and learn how to loathe the human race one mop swipe at a time.
RE: Good TV
Mr. Robot has begun and I felt as though I was watching a foreign film with no subtitles. Seemed exceptionally surreal for some reason and while it made sense it was just off angle with me for some reason. Not sure if it's just me or if the previous seasons have me filled with more trepidation waiting for the mid-season turn on the ear.
RE: Good TV
Inhumans was interesting in that I found myself stifling a lot of laughter during supposedly dramatic moments. Blue Bolt's flashback just had me rolling with laughter in the same way a backseat firearm discharge in Pulp Fiction cracked me up. Although in Pulp Fiction i had the sick realization I was laughing at someone literally losing their head. Inhumans didn't really have that effect, I just couldn't stop laughing and the realization of the source and presentation made it even funnier to me.
Coming out of Defenders first two episodes of waiting for the group to get together so we could get on with the plot felt even heavier in the Inhumans as they appeared to be making a mostly minimal effort to reconnect. Felt really plodding and moving at the speed of plot. -
RE: Swashbuckling and continued success
I've had a lot of changes in rules thoughts and processes over the last couple years thanks to Dungeon World and other PbtAE games like Monster of the Week and leading up to my newest iron in the fire, Blades on the Dark. There's a lot to be said about being a fan of the players and failing forward. Blades in the Dark is a gritty environment filled with despicable personalities in a dying world but the characters reach swashbuckling levels of action, as long as they have stress to burn, during the heists.
Of course, I'm talking tabletop as I couldn't even remotely imagine BitD working in a MU* environment. Overall I really enjoyed the Blades style of rolls where you get what you want but... -
RE: RL Anger
@Auspice strong suspicion the bowls they were whisking were batterless.