Then they're fucked if they get harassed, I guess.
The rest of us can log without being "compromised" in any meaningful way.
Then they're fucked if they get harassed, I guess.
The rest of us can log without being "compromised" in any meaningful way.
If I had to wear a name tag at a workplace so people would be encouraged to use my first name, I would actually go through the legal hassles of getting my name changed to something REALLY FUCKING OFFENSIVE (like DickyMcDickFace, all one word) just so that nobody would use it.
@Jaunt said:
I'm here ironically.
This, here, is why I've been posting about booze. Pick up your bottle of choice, gents. The drinking game begins anew.
Other than that, WTFE has the right of it: I'm here to counter-troll trolls, until it's not worth it to me anymore.
I think you mean @Thenomain here.
Wow, this thread has everything I've been missing from the older WORA. A stupidly vague "question" that was painfully obviously an attempt to fish for a specific answer. More obvious twists than an M. Night ShamalyouthinkImgoingtobotherlookinguphowtospellhislastnameareyounuts film. More "dark revelations" than a Springer episode. This has potential to be true entertainment at last!
I've been getting into the wargaming scene here in China lately. Initially I started off with the euphemistic "DIY" crowd. (In reality: republished wargames from big name companies by small-time fans who understand that it's impossible to convert people to a new hobby when a game costs a huge fraction of an average person's monthly income. Short version of the previous: pirated.)
The "DIY" scene, however, is not the only wargames scene in China. There are an increasing number of genuine publishers who publish their own designs and games. I hooked up with one who sent me his first two games (at cost!) because he's trying to court me for the job of translating and editing his next game into English for sale into North American and European markets.
For a one-man operation his game quality is astonishing.
He did literally everything himself: designed and wrote the rules, typesetting and layout, board and box design. He even innovated on things like using magnetic pieces on metal-backed boards (which are still about as light as usual card stock wargames). And he did this while selling the games at $25 and $35 respectively … which still turned him a profit.
Stumbling over this kind of shit is what I live for.
That "customer service" model thing is, I think, an artifact of the sales persona leaking through again.
@NOTuseless said:
If my wording made it appear I was demanding, that's not my problem…
Um… I'm pretty sure that by definition if your wording makes it appear that you mean something you don't intend that it is very much your problem.
I'm looking into getting some good luck emblem stickers for my laptop. I'm torn between the middle one on the right or the bottom one at the left. Which do you guys think will bring me more good fortune?
@Gingerlily said:
Anyway, carry on with your thing here.
You saw that, people. @Gingerlily is telling me to keep posting about booze!
@Rainbow-Unicorn said:
I do me some Savage Worlds. Another great system not being used enough.
Based on recommendations like yours I actually went and bought myself a copy of Savage Worlds.
I don't get it. I mean, I get the rules. They're pretty simple. I don't get the rabid love for the game, though. I don't understand the appeal in the slightest. It looks like Yet Another RPG to me.
I actually like the lotus/Guanyin images a lot. I've ordered one of each.
Be fair, @Thenomain. I started by trying to explain why their approach wasn't working too. I just got bored of them waiting their turn to talk so they could repeat their stance interminably without even once showing signs of having taken in what was said.
And when I get bored, I prod hornets' nests.
These ones:
The kind that melt holes like this into your flesh when they sting:
A new wargame arrived called 楚汉相争 (The Chu-Han Contention). Aside from the flimsy box this is a really slick (if conventional) product. The game design is also a more modern area-control style rather than hex-and-token style.
The game is of particular interest to me because I live in what amounts to the seat of the ancient Kingdom of Chu and am watching "Chu Pride" slowly rise around me.
@il-volpe said:
- There are a whole bunch of other standards of behavior! OMG. And you have to learn them organically, because they are manners, see. On this board there are not rules against acting like a dick. You are allowed to act like a dick. But you also get the consequences of acting like a dick. It's magical.
This is something I laugh at every time I see it on MSB, and every time I saw it on the various incarnations of WORA/SWOFA/whatever: this appeal to legalism.
If you go into some public space, like let's say a restaurant, and start, I don't know, farting loudly and smelling up the place you'll be asked to leave. Asking "please show me in the written rules where this is not allowed" will only be met with derisive laughter and increased impetus to leave. Perhaps with the assistance of bodily force.
So why the sudden expectation in an online forum for everything to be spelled out? Why this appeal to legalism?
Personally I think it's because of the huge number of people who fall waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay on the autistic side of the spectrum in this hobby.
- A good standard of behavior to adopt when entering a new community is to acquiesce when people ask you to conform to some standard of behavior.
An even better standard is to stop and watch for a while to see how people interact before jumping in yourself. As you said…
But actually look at this advert board, and you will find that nobody else posts weekly updates. You want to be special.
@Thenomain said in New Player Onboarding:
Dear @GirlCalledBlu : The down vote because why? I do genuinely wonder what people take offense to.
I just downvoted this. Because I can't see who downvotes me and it makes me sad.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Me and my first world problems.
You live in the first world. What kinds of problems were you expecting?
The only memory I have of Anomaly was reports. That kind of made me not like the game.
If anybody makes a Trek game, please watch any of the Trek shows and/or movies and count the number of times people were seen doing the thrilling tasks of filling out and filing reports. And discussing the contents of said reports with their superiors. See how this might apply to a game.
It's weird: I've disagreed with some of the biggest names on the board and I don't get hundreds of downvotes. It's almost as if how you disagree is more important than the mere fact of it.
Generally (not always) when I disagree with people I don't come across as a psychotic hunched over my keyboard holding an axe and quietly muttering "blood, blood, blood" to myself. There may be a lesson in here for those who lose over a hundred in a day…
It's a problem. It's in the first world. (Purportedly.) By definition that means it's a first world problem.
Now there are, of course, trivial first world problems (Thenomain's) and serious ones (your examples).