Nothing says class like a dwarf talking about his dick.

Best posts made by spasticgoat
RE: RL things I love
They believe that they've booked a moderately ambitious venue with a capacity of 150-200. But with the coverage that this has been receiving in the media, they may need somewhere bigger...
Estimated 150-200 heads in attendance, soul count is steady at zero.
RE: Anyone want to ST for Changeling?
Hot shit, I'm making me a carnie. Thank you! -
RE: Old Yeller
@BetterJudgment said:
By my memory, several bottles should have been finished by now.
Considering how much you've been drinking, I'm questioning your judgment.
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
@Cirno said:
@spasticgoat said:
As you are the emissary of the entire African-American experience, please arrange for peaceful resolutions to all current conflicts. Now that you've been identified and will be working as the spokestroll for the fullness of the cultures represented, we should have this all zipped up by noon tomorrow.
Or you're another person with an opinion who has no more or less authority than the next person with an opinion, and should know that speaking on behalf of an entire spectrum of people on their behalf is what starts problems before it fixes anything.
People help people. People hurt people. People who speak for large groups of people have faulty judgment and terrible logic. I represent my own race and ethnicity and do not focus on it. No choice of mine will change my skin pigment a shade darker or lighter, nor would I want it to. What I do with my voice is up to me. Don't raise it on my behalf again.
I speak for the militant African-Americans; the Malcolm X's , the Huey P. Newtons, and the Stokely Carmichaels. I speak for the Black Panther party, which is now defunct due to the intrigues of the US Government.
I firmly believe that we must free ourselves from the yoke of the Oppressors By Any Means Necessary, and that we can protect and help ourselves, without the help of outside intervention.
"I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don't believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn't want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn't know how to return the treatment."
"I believe in recognizing every human being as a human being, neither white, black, brown nor red. When you are dealing with humanity as one family, there's no question of integration or intermarriage. It's just one human being marrying another human being, or one human being living around and with another human being."
"In the past, yes, I have made sweeping indictments of all white people. I will never be guilty of that again — as I know now that some white people are truly sincere, that some truly are capable of being brotherly toward a black man. The true Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all white people is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against blacks."
You may wish to take Malcolm X from the list. He was assassinated by three members of the Nation of Islam, likely for changing his rhetoric. He grew concerned about death threats against his family from his former compatriots. One of the most iconic images of him has him holding a rifle and peering out of a window, prepared to defend himself against the Nation of Islam's assassins.
Unless, of course, you're suggesting that killing African-Americans is ideologically supported behavior and it is endorsed by your ethos. In which case, you've certainly made a clear case on finding a racist a lot sooner than I expected.
RE: Welcome to Night Vale OTT/Short MUSH?
Set it in a companion city and flit back and forth for different groups to operate out of, maybe? You still get Night Vale and a diverse option without losing anything in the bargain. -
RE: Theatre of Shadows MUSH - OWoD MUSH Seeks Developers/Staff
From the "Alts" section.
- Characters may be aware of one another. They may have heard of, or seen in passing, each other.
This is not bad.
- Alts may be in the same scene, though they may not significantly interact with each other. In essence, each alt treats the other alt as a 'background NPC' in terms of interaction.
This is bad.
- If for some reason a direct alt interaction should be needed, please consult staff to discuss this.
This can only go very bad.
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
race of warriors
Yep. You win, Cirno. -
RE: [Ethnicity Thread] Who Do You Think You Are?
@HelloRaptor said:
then the privileged class is going to have to stop basing their privilege on those days, too.
How would anyone even go about doing that?
By thinking of the children, HR. Why won't anyone think of the children?
Latest posts made by spasticgoat
RE: Hypothetical Game Design
I'm leery of this model when it comes to "casuals versus actives". The difference seems to be who is blowing which staffer at the time or is in a popular time-zone. That's either clique behavior or omitting someone for where they happen to live, versus their idea being good or not. For my time, neither of those is really "cool" behavior.
RE: Pugmire?
RRC is not The Boys.
RRC is not Crossed.
RRC is RRC.When someone posts about Game of Thrones, do you feel compelled to mention GRRM also wrote sci-fi of dubious quality?
RE: Pugmire?
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
@Arkandel I owe you no explanations.
If you want to read trashy, violent smut and smutty, trashy violence, that's fine and more power to you, but don't wave it around like a fan and tell me misogyny and rampant, cynical misanthropy capped off with a woman being raped by a garden weasel are barbed and insightful social commentary about catholicism.
You didn't actually read Red Rover Charlie, did you? If you did, your version is much divergent from my copy and I think you should ask for a replacement. If you're talking about the Crossed series, the majority of it is written by non-Garth Ennis people, who are allowed to write things they want. One thing is not equal to the other thing.
RE: Pugmire?
@Arkandel said:
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
If it's anything like a Garth Ennis comic I'll shank anyone who tries to make me play it.
Explain. Explain while knowing Garth Ennis is my hero.
I'll summarize: they are wrong. Read that book and then you will be as certain as I am about it.
RE: Pugmire?
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
Dogs (and other animals) have inherited a post-humankind Earth. The center of Canine society is the Code of Man, essentially a code of behavior centering on "be a good dog" and maintaining a religious vigil waiting for the humans to return.
If it is anything close to this, I will shank a bitch to play it. -
RE: Welcome to Night Vale OTT/Short MUSH?
Set it in a companion city and flit back and forth for different groups to operate out of, maybe? You still get Night Vale and a diverse option without losing anything in the bargain. -
RE: RL things I love
@The-Tree-of-Woe They're trying to hide. Of course they stand out.
RE: RL things I love
@Arkandel Because WW is fucking stupid when it comes to their naming convention. They mix Greek, Latin, and French words up into a single lexicon, because the game designed for Americans to play tragic-goth trenchcoat holders needs shit like that.
RE: Theatre of Shadows MUSH - OWoD MUSH Seeks Developers/Staff
@Bobotron The rest of what you've got, it all looks really good. My criticism was from the only place I found a possible fault. You did good.