Aug 11, 2017, 6:13 PM

@surreality said in RL things I love:

@Gingerlily said in RL things I love:

She is obsessed with socks and hides stashes of them around the house and then later brings them to us as gifts.

We had a sock cat once. We'd find oddly stacked socks like weird art in the hallway.

She always seemed to know when I had a date coming over, though, because unfailingly, that's when she'd drag a bra right out into the middle of the living room floor, in easy view of the door. She never did it any other time, either. Damn fuzzbutt must have been psychic.

I don't know if that makes her worst cat, for embarrassing me in a spectacularly entertaining fashion, or best cat, because maybe she was trying to make sure I got laid regularly. It's been over twenty years now since then, and it remains a mystery.

It is hilarious. I had to buy my daughter three packages of socks because wherever her stash is now it is more innovative than previous stashes and I have yet to find it.

It's also so cute when I'm in bed with a migraine and miserable to medicate and fall into groggy sleep only to wake up a few hours later with 12 assorted socks next to me on the bed. 12! Real number!