Aug 11, 2017, 5:06 PM

...was absolutely there for two days, re: 'wtf is going on?' medication.

Codeine (in any form) makes me aggressive, hyper, moody as fuck. (Hydromorphone can go die in a fire; it does all of that and makes me either awake for 3 days in a row or only awake 2 hours a day, I lose any and all sense of balance, spend a lot of time blankly staring at walls, and it gives me a migraine the whole time. WTF, demon pill?!) The only thing that doesn't seem to have a nasty-ass side effect is ye olde actual morphine, which, yeah, if you're in the hospital, sure, but they are not gonna send that shit home with you. (Nor should they, IMO.)

Minor surgery 2 weeks ago. 1x100mg vicodin x 6-8 hours. Irritable as hell, sleep's all over the map, but nothing dies and nobody (that I am aware of) is in need of a horrified apology.

Slightly less minor surgery Monday. It suggests 2, every 4-6 hours. Notice the detail that's missing here? So did I. And this shit hurts, so I was taking two, though I was taking two every 8 hours, because I did not want to risk becoming Satan incarnate.

Yeah, that detail was kinda relevant, though, because what I hadn't noticed was that each of these was 300mg. So we're talking 'six times the bitchyface'.

It was a very colorful two days before I figured this out, that's really all there is to say about that. 😕 I do not even want to know what I may have typed in various messengers or emails, since apparently my mother is so horrified by an argument we had that she isn't speaking to me -- and I do not even remember speaking to her. At all. And I am getting the 'you know what you said!' routine so I do not even know what I'm supposed to be groveling about or apologizing for, and I feel bad and have attempted to do so, but she literally will not tell me what the hell I said that was so upsetting. (It wouldn't be profanity or snark, either, because while she'd always chide my father for using crude language around me when I was a kid, I absolutely learned to snark and swear from her! So I am at a genuine loss here.)