I have to adult a lot this week.
I am not looking forward to it.
I realize I am posting here way too much and writing far too much, because it is much more enjoyable to argue about shitty people who make my teeth grind than to handle the adulting I need to do this morning alone, and shitty people who make my teeth grind are not actually enjoyable to even think about much.
I do not want to call the asshole surgeon to tell him the same thing he's ignored the past four times I've been to his office to tell him that I can't have the test done he wanted done by this week -- because he completely ignored what I told him the last four times I've been there -- knowing that the best result I'm going to end up with is a rescheduled appointment and more of the same antibiotic that makes my skin slough off in peeling sheets in anticipation of having at least one of my breasts partially or completely hacked off in the coming months.
I do not want to haul 3 more boxes, each approximately 80lbs, or have to open them on my parents' lawn to haul in the slatgrid panels individually to drag into their garage with the rest of our show gear.
I am really not in the mood to price shit today, either, even if know I need to keep at that steady because I was too productive earlier in the year and have a huge stockpile of crap that needs pricing.