Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@mietze said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
LRH isn’t even as interesting as Jim Jones or any of the LDS church fathers or branch offs
You gotta give him credit though. Anyone who looks so much like a fraudster, and had openly talked about starting a religion to avoid taxes and then pulls it off is doing something right.
@sg said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@mietze said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
LRH isn’t even as interesting as Jim Jones or any of the LDS church fathers or branch offs
You gotta give him credit though. Anyone who looks so much like a fraudster, and had openly talked about starting a religion to avoid taxes and then pulls it off is doing something right.
Don't give folks more ideas on batshit ways to become President.
@sg I mean... wasn't Smith, the guy that founded the Mormons, a convicted con artist who'd done similar cons before?
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
We all do this from time to time, and time can change those opinions.
Changing opinions because of the passage of time is fine. Everyone can have a change of heart.
That's not what I'm talking about.
In the case of Allegiance, one of the repeated points of criticism is that the music was sometimes too light and frivolous for the subject matter. For example, in one spot, you see a family dealing with the death of a child at the camp, and then, in the next scene, they are all singing about playing baseball and dancing and making the best of things. It's a corny-as-hell song, and critics, by and large, found tone-change jarring.
I read this and I kind of eye-rolled.
Of course it's jarring. It's supposed to be jarring. It's as jarring as being woken up in the bright hours of the morning to be hauled by armed men into trucks, driven to train stations, and shipped off to concentration camps. It's as jarring as knowing that you are an American citizen, but locked up in your own country for looking like the enemy. It's as jarring as expecting any American to just lie down and take confinement "for the good of the country" when there was an entire Revolutionary War fought because Americans don't really "lie down and take" any sort of bullshittery (at least, back in the 40s).
In retrospect, this is why I hated Rent for a while. I thought that it was vaguely disrespectful to have joyful pieces like "Cover You" and "One Song Glory" when you know damn well that the characters are dealing with HIV. And then a nice, gay friend of mine calmly asked: well, what the fuck else are you supposed to do, lie down and take it?
And, like, not for a moment, apparently, did the critics think: hey, maybe people do seemingly absurd things to make the best of a situation when they have no other choice. Apparently.
So, music? Sure, it wasn't going to win a Tony. Plot? Perhaps over the head of a lot of the audience. But the critics? Some of them seemed to just ignore context or culture when writing their pieces. And that's what I take exception to.
I would like to think that what crippled Allegiance was its seriousness. It lacks levity, even when it tries to be. It's not a show you want to take in when you're being reminded of the loss of a loved one, for example. And maybe it turned off a lot of the older Broadway crowd because no one likes being reminded that the United States forced its own loyal people into concentration camps. Or, perhaps, the producers simply did not think enough of it to keep it going for at least a full season.
It's sad.
But, then, these sorts of things get forgotten over time.
@tinuviel yeah, he's the one with the magic hat that only he was allowed to look into!
More recently, there's the dude that people pay to stare at them. While curious, I don't think it has the fun pizzazz of some of the other groups lurking around.
And let's not overlook the fact that he basically started it with Jack Parson's money, and also stole his wife.
@mietze Obviously it's because your Body Thetans are out of whack and that's why you don't "get it".
Coworkers who do not realize that spam email is spam and take it seriously, especially since it's so transparent.
"Hey! Your blog on shoes was wonderful! You should add a link to I think it would go great with the topic!" inevitably ends up forwarded to me, leaving me to explain again and again and again why we're not going to add that link anywhere on our site.
Driving home today, jeep starts making a wierd clicking noise and occasionally vibrating a bit. Call my brother, describe it. He says, "It could be a nothing part that doesn't mean much, in which case drive on. Or it could be a wheel bearing, in which case pull the fuck over immediately and I'll come get you."
Gee. Tough choice.
@lisse24 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Coworkers who do not realize that spam email is spam and take it seriously, especially since it's so transparent.
"Hey! Your blog on shoes was wonderful! You should add a link to I think it would go great with the topic!" inevitably ends up forwarded to me, leaving me to explain again and again and again why we're not going to add that link anywhere on our site.
Dear Team:
I have instituted a new policy in regards to affiliate links. In the future, when submitting a link for submission, please attach a minimum five-thousand word essay on why you think this link would be an appropriate addition to our site. Please include compelling evidence, including hyperlinked citations to supporting market research articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
My father has always walked ahead of my mother. He will never, ever slow down to walk with her. Today he outright fussed at her for 'making' him wait. Well, fussed at us because I was walking with her. I even made a comment of 'You could walk with your wife.'
Apparently he is 'physically incapable' of walking slower.
And of course, my pointing out that he could walk with her meant that he had to behave like a child and take a different route back to the hotel just to beat us there and show just how much we slow him down.
So glad I'm going back to my place tonight. And back to my routine. Because his BS on top of my brother being back in the hospital for another episode and calling my mother roughly every other hour just to take up her time has me sick of family for another year.
Your dad sounds like one of my former coworkers. We actually had the "the entirety of the court will not magically move faster because you are power-walking stuff to the clerk" conversation. A couple of times. To which she took high umbrage. That was fun.
Sorry about your brother.
It sucks when family is in the hospital. I'm all too familiar with that feeling.
Yeah, no. Fuck my brother.
This happens 2-3 times a year.
He goes back on another 'I stopped taking my court-ordered medication / therapy because reddit said this mix of illegal drugs would be better' binge, has the cops called (because he ends up naked in someone's yard, attacks someone, OD's, etc.), and drags the whole family down for a few weeks.
Shit like this and his threats on my life are why I've disowned his ass.
I just wish the rest of the family would quit enabling him.
I terminated someone with cause today. That sucks, even if I've done it a dozen times before.
I hated doing it, but it had to be done.
@dontpanda said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I terminated someone with cause today. That sucks, even if I've done it a dozen times before.
I hated doing it, but it had to be done.
Porn at work? Tell me it was porn at work. Those are always the best.
@derp It was not.
Today I accepted that I will in fact need to resign from my job. I've been struggling with it since the start, and there are just too many reasons why it's just not a good fit.
On the upside, accepting that gave me that inner feeling of relief that told me it's the right call.
@ganymede All of the songs I've heard from it are just terrible, irrespective of the rest of the libretto.
@tek said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
All of the songs I've heard from it are just terrible, irrespective of the rest of the libretto.
All of your face is terrible, regardless of your opinion.
@dontpanda said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I terminated someone with cause today. That sucks, even if I've done it a dozen times before.
I hated doing it, but it had to be done.
If you terminated this person a dozen times before, then it sounds like that's your fault. SHEESH.