I feel that I have far too many similarities to Sokka. I obsess over silly things and don't always understand why they're silly.
Sokka: It's a wolf knot!
Katara: That way all the wolves know that you're fun and perky!
Over the past two months at work, I was drawing bees on the white boards, secretly changing words here and there to 'bee'. Managers were obsessively erasing it, but eventually one asked me why. (Once they worked out that it was me.)
My response: So someone wrote on a whiteboard BCD with a "NO" symbol around it. I had no idea what this meant so I wrote 'Bees Can't Dance' next to it. Someone printed and taped up the proof that this isn't true next to it, and I found this to be hilarious, that people were getting into this. After that, I wrote 'Bees Knees' on the white board, and below it someone else wrote 'foxs socks' and from there on we had about 10 other rhyming slang items below it, which I thought was just as awesome. And so, I started putting bees everywhere.
It turns out that BCD stands for "Bitch, Complain, Deflect", things that people do and these are things that they shouldn't, as a manager's intro to what you should do instead.
But as usual, I took it the wrong way and ran with it.
What nobody else there knows that also tickles me is that there are no bees on Typhon.
I take my joys where I can.