I'll RP with anyone regardless of sphere so feel free to invite Jared. Unless I hate your guts, of course. But I don't think there's anyone on the game that qualifies. Except Deviant. But I joined before I knew who he was.
Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
I think that the activity level will go up eventually anyway, you've only been truly open for a very little while! And eventually I'm hoping to jump into events and meet people that way too. So it's not really a complaint so much. Part of it's the responsibility of the folks that are on during 'off hours' too to be visible and keep pinging too. In the meantime I've been having fun wandering the grid so that when someone does accept a RP invite I'll have multiple places/scenarios to pitch!
@mietze said:
I think that the activity level will go up eventually anyway, you've only been truly open for a very little while! And eventually I'm hoping to jump into events and meet people that way too. So it's not really a complaint so much. Part of it's the responsibility of the folks that are on during 'off hours' too to be visible and keep pinging too. In the meantime I've been having fun wandering the grid so that when someone does accept a RP invite I'll have multiple places/scenarios to pitch!
That's good to hear!
Timezones are a bitch and there's exactly nothing that can be done about that, really, than hope you luck out or aren't too far out of sync with the rest of the game's players.
But otherwise the only way to spread plot around is to have proactive players. Same as any other MU* ever, then, only with the exception that since Eldritch made the conscious decision to keep a small staff, that helps in some regards and hurts in others. One of the latter is that, when there's a ton of wiki/CGen/random questions/misc stuff to handle it can't be delegated, and the same people who could run stories are the ones handling those.
But otherwise it comes down to player collaboration. The pockets of the game a lot of RP happens (for werewolves the University is a huge hot spot for Eldritch, for example) might happen randomly just because but they can absolutely be arranged to generate momentum. For instance while the game was in the planning stages and we couldn't roll PCs a few players kept talking about running a group of students; this generated activity right away when the game opened - since several PCs were already in place with some common ground and made it easy for them to connect - then it took off. Now the place is crawling with college brats.
It takes some players to make the first step and start connecting possibly even before rolling a character. Not even that many, 2-3 outspoken active players pulling others in just by showing signs of life in a part of the game is enough to get things going.
I'm actually using my character to try and pull some different people into various scenes. Its a bit slow going at the moment since I do have an inconsistent schedule for work right now, but I'll be poking at various groups! I've even been in contact with at least one LS vamp, so I'm more than happy to RP with whomever.
Honestly, I think timing/scheduling/timezones have been the biggest holdup thus far. People are willing and wanting to play, finding a time when all the free time coincides is the hard part.
This is what we get up to on Skype.
[17:45:30] @Thenomain: When you have time, not crucial this minute, here are the ‘methods’ I have people regaining willpower:
[17:45:32] @Thenomain: <method>:
rest: Regain 1
vice: Regain 1, usually
virtue: Regain all
<num>: Regain <num>
all: Regain all
[17:45:39] @Thenomain: Each can be limited in its own way.
[17:45:58] @Thenomain: Templates’ lists can expand that.
[17:46:15] @Coin: That looks fine. Vamps and Wolves have different ways of regaining WP.
[17:46:30] @Coin: Mask/Dirge both have an 'all' and a '1' way. Same with Blood/Bone.
[17:46:54] @Thenomain: Hm.
[17:47:21] @Coin: If you use your Mask in X way, you regain 1, if you use it in Y way, you regain all.
[17:47:23] @Coin: To clarify.
[17:47:27] @Thenomain: Yeah, hm.
[17:47:28] @Coin: Same with the other three stats.
[17:48:20] @Thenomain: Command currently is :: regain [<target>/]willpower=<method> [for <reason>]
[17:48:48] @Thenomain: Do these things have names? That is, do you activate your Bone in a Subtle and Outstanding way?
[17:49:00] @Thenomain: (Hee. Activate your bone.)
[17:49:02] @Coin: Well, WP is weird on MUs because it's so... not... really... a thing? Unless you're running a plot.
[17:49:41] @Thenomain: Hell, I could just leave it to ‘1’ and ‘all’ and nothing else.
[17:49:54] @Thenomain: ‘regain willpower=1 for Bone’
[17:50:13] @Thenomain: I like the immersion of ‘regain Willpower=Bone’ or whatever. Hm. HmmMMmMMmm.
[17:50:40] @Thenomain: ‘regain Willpower for Rest’, but ‘regain Willpower=all for Bone’? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmno.
[17:50:53] @Coin: All for bone and bone for all.
[17:51:07] @Coin: (You started it.)
[17:51:12] @Thenomain: Gay Frenchies. -
Soon after, on the Werewolf channel ...
[Werewolf] Thenomain says, “WOLVES.”
[Werewolf] Thenomain says, “What would you like to type if you regained Willpower because of your big Bone?”
[Werewolf] Jack says, “Boner, clearly.”
[Werewolf] Jack says, “Or GetBoned.”
[Werewolf] Thenomain says, “I'm told you can have a little Bone or a big ol' Bone.”
[Werewolf] Nick says, “+bone(/all)?”
[Werewolf] Thenomain says, “No, it's going to be 'regain willpower' somehow.”
[Werewolf] Jack says, “Just do +BigBone and +LittleBone.”
[Werewolf] Jack says, “Because boring commands are boring.”
[Werewolf] Thenomain says, “If we weren't ending up with like 500,000 commands, I'd take you up on your bone suggestion.”
[Werewolf] Nick says, “Well, we could just do regain and regain/all maybe, and then just specify the stat?”
[Werewolf] Jack says, “That's boring Nick. So boring I'm dropping out of the conversation. From Boredom.”
[Werewolf] Thenomain : regain willpower=all for Bone
[Werewolf] Nick wasn't the one that said it had to be regain!
[Werewolf] Na'iska-Ur Deviant says, “BONE FOR ALL”
[Werewolf] Thenomain says, “And all for Bone.” -
I'll RP with anyone regardless of sphere so feel free to invite Jared. Unless I hate your guts, of course. But I don't think there's anyone on the game that qualifies. Except Deviant. But I joined before I knew who he was.
@EmmahSue said:
I have trouble finding RP. I ask on various channels and in the OOC Room and get silence more often than offer. I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing a Lance Vamp, so folks don't want to get all up ins? Or maybe I've just lost my touch.
ES, I suspect that you are so great at STing that everyone just assumes you're spoken for, honestly. But if you or @mietze or anyone else for that matter are ever looking for complications or some sort of a plot twist that is going to bring you into the action and into contact with other people, please do open a +job and let me know. Again, this is the reason we have sphere caps - So we can do this sort of ST work. And its fun for me too, even if I am still sort of light-duty for another few days!
Nobody seems to want to play with me either, sometimes. Don't feel bad.
Right now I'll just grind my frickin' teeth at all the candy bullshit Demons get.
To date I've had difficulty getting RP. But that is new game syndrome perhaps. There are few characters that stay in public and while OOC and Public requests do have some result; there seems to be little public RP for the growing player base. A lot of idlers.
It feels a little 'The Reach' like with how many people idle in spots or you see two people off in an RP room with closed RP.
I've only given it a couple of days though.
The game is absolutely amazingly designed and the wiki is tops. So I /really/ hope this is just a temporary thing.
@buttercup Hey hey, so, I don't have any RP scheduled for the next couple of nights. If you're bored enough give Daniel a page and we can meet if you want. Depending on your PC's affiliations maybe we can hook you up with more people too.
@buttercup It is, it takes a little time. But bit by bit RP seems to be expanding.
Also remember a lot of people are holding their collective breaths waiting for spheres to have open slots for them.
@EmmahSue said:
I can't tell if you're being mean to me or not! Please clarify the intent of your pointed statement.
I never intend to be mean, ES, but I can often be blunt.
Being a Sanctified is tricky. Many Sanctified PCs have been quite reviled. It goes hand-in-hand with their philosophy. They are like really anal-retentive Sabbat at times: preachy and boring. So, it's not your fault, but being Sanctified may be the reason why people are avoiding you.
@Ganymede I can't talk for anyone else, but for me it wasn't being LS, it was the assumption ES would have stuff happening all the time so I didn't wanna bug.
@Ganymede said:
@EmmahSue said:
I have trouble finding RP. I ask on various channels and in the OOC Room and get silence more often than offer. I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing a Lance Vamp, so folks don't want to get all up ins? Or maybe I've just lost my touch.
That might be it, actually.
I'm pretty sure she's referring to your reply being quite ambiguous as to which reason it "might actually be".
You could have meant she might actually be losing her touch.
@Arkandel said:
@Ganymede I can't talk for anyone else, but for me it wasn't being LS, it was the assumption ES would have stuff happening all the time so I didn't wanna bug.
Attractive Person Effect. Surely they already have a significant other! I shouldn't bother asking...
Same with great role players. They're awesome! Surely they are waiting for a scene to start, so I shouldn't bother asking. When in reality? They're staring at the OOC room chatter.
@Royal Excellent. Now every time I'm bored I'll feel better about it, because it's only because I'm too good for you all.
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
Nobody seems to want to play with me either, sometimes. Don't feel bad.
Right now I'll just grind my frickin' teeth at all the candy bullshit Demons get.
@Arkandel said:
Also remember a lot of people are holding their collective breaths waiting for spheres to have open slots for them.
There'll be at least one Demon slot popping up, @The-Tree-of-Woe. I timed out on my reservation due to RL bullshit.
Stop grinding your teeth and GET ON DAT -
@Royal said:
Same with great role players. They're awesome! Surely they are waiting for a scene to start, so I shouldn't bother asking. When in reality? They're staring at the OOC room chatter.
This is so a thing.