The Rite Aid where I get my prescriptions, sodas for work and other essentials, was just bought out by Walgreens. So far they've only changed the pharmacy over and I haven't had a prescription filled there yet. You guys are making me nervous about the change
RL Anger
The Rite Aid where I get my prescriptions, sodas for work and other essentials, was just bought out by Walgreens. So far they've only changed the pharmacy over and I haven't had a prescription filled there yet. You guys are making me nervous about the change
@rnmissionrun said in RL Anger:
The Rite Aid where I get my prescriptions, sodas for work and other essentials, was just bought out by Walgreens. So far they've only changed the pharmacy over and I haven't had a prescription filled there yet. You guys are making me nervous about the change
Walgreens pharmacy in my town is the best. Give them your cell number and they're like a Jewish grandmother reminding you about your refills. Long before you run out and even when you don't have refills available, an automated system calls you up and asks if you want a refill - you say yes and they'll contact the prescriber for you to get it done.
@nemesis CVS is the exact same way. Getting texts for each perscription when they're 'due' for a refill, when they are out of refills, when they are ready, if I want to have them on auto refill.
I don't text much. My phone has more texts from CVS than my weekend penis.
Bitches, I'm not asking for syringes for fun. I need to take my motherfucking insulin. Give me the goddamn needles.
When I burst into tears and sobbed about being afraid I'd DIE, the latent Southern Gentleman'ness kicked in and suddenly they believed me.
Also my actual insulin. yes I know your computer say i cant get another refill for 2 weeks, but i mean, i'm not gonna stop being diabetic for those next two weeks, so you know, help me not die?
This happened to me enough that the last time my doctor just ordered me double. Like their schedule of when to give me drugs and the amount I'm taking by doctors orders are not matching up. Aggravating.
You're not alone in that, @Wretched. My doc writes me a good 30u extra/day so that at the end of the month I have extra lingering for coverage. Just in case the fucking CVS IS OUT OF INSULIN HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN I PLACED AN ORDER AND GOT CONFIRMATION IT WAS READY WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE OUT.
You're not alone in that, @Wretched. My doc writes me a good 30u extra/day so that at the end of the month I have extra lingering for coverage. Just in case the fucking CVS IS OUT OF INSULIN HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN I PLACED AN ORDER AND GOT CONFIRMATION IT WAS READY WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE OUT.
My father has had this happen. When they visited me for Christmas, they had to drive to 3 different pharmacies for his insulin. THREE.
Diabetes is... not... rare. Why is it not stocked more carefully? I mean when I was 15 I was on a fairly obscure anti-depressant and found out I was one of the only people in town taking it (if not the only), so I kind of understood why my pharmacy had to order it special so it could take a few extra days to fill.
But insulin?!
I really, really, really don't want a root canal.
@tinuviel Oh fuck that noise man. Those things fucking HURT like hell. And they're so damn expensive.
@mr-johnson Not quite as expensive out here, thankfully. Still more than I've budgeted for of course. Unfortunately there's a recurring infection going on that I definitely can't afford to keep having.
@tinuviel Definitely not. Putting that shit off can get some really bad results.
I hate being angry. I have a bully's personality; I'd quite like to hit (repeatedly) people that make me angry. As an adult, I tend to refrain from actually doing it. But when I'm annoyed to the point where my fingers itch because I really just want to smash someone's teeth into the back of their throat, that's what I really hate. Being angry.
Peeve: Music that at the start of the song, sounds louder in one ear than the other, making you think your headphones are broken in one ear.
@cobaltasaurus Heh - like putting in footstep ambiance of walking to the guitar or something to show its in stereo and really doesn't have a point to be part of the song which doesn't use stereo effects of any sort?
Bitches, I'm not asking for syringes for fun. I need to take my motherfucking insulin. Give me the goddamn needles.
I hate this. It's easier to get meth or heroin around here than it is to get insulin (or needles for your pens). I should be able to get this stuff unregulated over the counter.
Bitches, I'm not asking for syringes for fun. I need to take my motherfucking insulin. Give me the goddamn needles.
I hate this. It's easier to get meth or heroin around here than it is to get insulin (or needles for your pens). I should be able to get this stuff unregulated over the counter.
You have to get a prescription for needles? Have things changed? When I wanted to pierce my own belly button back in the 90s (yeah, I am old AF), I wandered into the pharmacy and was like 'One needle, please!' The pharmacist was like 'I can't give you one needle, you lunatic, but I can sell you this bag of syringes' while giving me the you must be a junkie side-eye.
That you can't just get needles anymore is all kinds of wrong.
Also: Deep apologies for young, stupid Sockmonkey for using medical supplies for her ill-concieved idea.
(Sidenote: I was unsuccessful piercing my belly button. Insulin needles, I soon discovered, are much too small for such things. O WELL.)
This break room is so fucking cold...
My migraine medication -- sumatriptan injection -- is great. When I give myself a shot, most of the time it starts working within a couple minutes.
What's not so great? The autoinjector it comes in does not trigger a lot of time time. My insurance only allows me to get 12 shots per month. I usually got through 3 - 4 autoinjectors to get one that works.
God dammit.
@sockmonkey said in RL Anger:
My migraine medication -- sumatriptan injection -- is great. When I give myself a shot, most of the time it starts working within a couple minutes.
What's not so great? The autoinjector it comes in does not trigger a lot of time time. My insurance only allows me to get 12 shots per month. I usually got through 3 - 4 autoinjectors to get one that works.
God dammit.
That's some kinda bullshit.
They should let you exchange those. -
I hate how our new security room has no curtains on the window, and only has one light for the entire room that's tucked in the corner with no ceiling light. So at night you can't see jack shit and during the day everyone sees everything you do