I think a lot of your ideas sound great. I particularly like the ideas of not restricting Fast Travel and of keeping Feature Characters to NPC-only. A slow divide from canon is a great idea as well--the slower the better, in my opinion, since you want the world to still be relatively recognizable to newcomers.
I have a few suggestions based on my own experiences on Saga Edition games and on the old KotOR game:
- Start your characters at level 3-4 or at level 7-8, but start them all at the same level. I would suggest 3-4, but if you want Knight-level characters, it'll have to be 7-8. If you have a varied set of starting levels, people will pick the highest one most of the time, even if they're not interested in any requirements you set (you could also have a sliding starting level, where it went up somewhat as the playerbase leveled)
- Cap the levels. Probably around 13 if you start at 3-4, and around 15 if you start at 7-8. The higher level you get, the crazier and more complicated things get.
- Find the sweet spot between permissiveness and theme strictness. If you're too strict, you lose players, if you're too permissive, you lose any sense of theme.
- In keeping with the last point, consequences. Actions should have consequences (which it sounds like you're totally on board with). But both positive and negative consequences are important.
- Have some shinies for players to chase beyond rank and credits. Medals are good for people in the military, but something along the lines of reputations that are spread by Staff and work with NPCs can be nice, as can recognized areas of expertise (Go to Grognar for grenades!).
- I would strongly suggest focusing on one military sphere (Republic, Mandalorians, or soon-to-be-Sith) and Indies. And I only add Indies because there will definitely be people who want to play Indies, and won't play if they can't. I suggest this because we discovered on the old KotOR that players got way too caught up in the CvC aspect of things, even if they weren't directly interacting.
- Tie the Indy characters you have directly to that sphere. Only allow Indy characters with explicit connections to the Republic, or the Mandalorians, or whatever. Then they can be tied into the war, and will have more to get involved in than chasing credits.
- Focus on a single sector of space at the largest. You can have scenes on Coruscant and Tattooine and wherever as needed, but keep them off-grid, with the focus on a single sector (plus a military ship?) so that you can keep your playerbase concentrated.
Just my suggestions, take them or leave them, of course.