There's some great suggestions just to cover a few things in no particular order:
I've no intention of limiting prestige classes.
Kits would be a great idea if I knew even the most basics of code, maybe that's something we can do down the line? The closest I can do is allow people to use builds from the books like as an example: Allowing people to play clonetroopers on a clone wars game with the stats of a clone trooper. You know just allowing people to use the precons from the books if they so want.
I'm still thinking we start end of the Mandalorian wars beginning of the Jedi Civil war. Then over time perhaps the Mandalorian faction would be phased out in place of the sith faction? The idea would be that once the Mandalorian wars are over they'd be a bit more of a non faction since Reven's actions aren't exactly going to be leaving much of them left. What I'm probably going to do to facilitate this is have the testing phase set RIGHT at the tale end of the Mandalorian wars, and let people play there till we move out of early testing and whatnot, then do a 1 year later skip. Unless people really want to play through that 1 year gap which hey cool I can work with it.
Honestly for the level thing. I really want to have people able to start as leaders if they show they're willing to put in the extra effort and put up with the BS. The majority of players SHOULD start with level 3 characters. What I might do is put in a restriction that you have to play for x weeks/months with y amounts of activity during that stage before you qualify to apply for a level 8 character that would still have some fairly strict requirements on what it takes to get one. Because I still want people to be able to come in battle hardened or disenfranchised old soldiers or Jedi Knights, but I want the majority of people to be lower level.
That's not just so my friends can play those things either (Mostly because I have very few friends in the mushing community, like 3 who don't exclusively play WoD, the bastards. (Hi guys! I know you're lurkin out there. :3)) It's more so people can still run those concepts.
When in doubt I'd rather raise standards of application then restrict or ban outright.