Apr 5, 2018, 10:06 PM

@mercutio Yeah, if you want your Jedi to get involved in the Mandalorian War, by canon they have to be Revanchists (heck, all of the Revanchists became Sith by canon, but you can change that). Then again, don't you want PCs to be the type who intervene rather than sitting by the sidelines? Even if they intervene peacefully?

I would have no problem requiring PCs to not be the type who sit around the temple debating philosophy while the galaxy burns. But I also think that there are a lot of options for why a character might become a Revanchist besides "I want to kill Mandos," and chargen staff can help them find those options.

@faraday The Old Republic Era definitely has fewer fans than the Movie Era, but it was the setting for two very popular video games and a very popular MMO -- it has a lot more name cache with most possible players than say... 1,000 years after The Old Republic (when there really is absolutely nothing going on by canon).