@thenomain When the husband described the, uh, reboot of Reboot, I actually threw up in my mouth a little. I liked the original, he adored it; we both have a case of sandy asscrack about it.
I was OK with the new Lost in Space. It was visually stunning, so if you like eye candy, it's worth it for that alone. I am not usually a fan of child characters in anything (but Lucifer, Trixie is the exception that proves the rule, I adore that kid to bits) but they were pretty genuine and not wincey. The logic behind them being good at things -- and questioning it at times, along with lack of experience -- was actually bothered with, so it wasn't the usual 'and here is an obligatory pile of child prodigies with no explanation other than smart parents'.
If you have a day to binge a thing in the background, or just for some standard eye candy, you could do way worse.
It did lead to some heavy-duty eyeroll with my husband, who claimed some of the gender-swaps in terms of leadership positions and characters in general 'seemed like pandering', but the look he got along with the question, 'so is it pandering to people with penises in the original?' ended that one with a quickness as that particular lightbulb finally seemed to click on above his head. (Thank goodness.)