@jaded You talking reruns of the classic show? I grew up watching that show every single week that I could. Loved that show to bits. If that's a remake I can't imagine it being any good.
Good TV
I started watching a new anime called Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi, or 'Cooking in the Afterlife Inn'. It's adorable. 2 episodes in so far, and it's been quite cute. And Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card arc is starting to ramp up.
ETA: Oh, and the next series of Gundam Build started. Gundam Build Divers, which takes the concept of the Gundam Build series (plastic model fighting) and combines it with a VR gaming interface ala SAO. Episode 1 has aired and it's as entertaining as the others.
So Reddit decided that the creators of Westworld should release all the plot points of season 2 so that there'd be no point in spoiling people week to week. It worked for GOT right? Considering so many people read the books for seasons 1-5?
Westworld's team delivered:
Netflix's Lost In Space, worth watching or a pass?
@jaded You talking reruns of the classic show? I grew up watching that show every single week that I could. Loved that show to bits. If that's a remake I can't imagine it being any good.
The new show is decent, but it's nothing outstanding. It's worth the time if you've got nothing else pressing to watch in my opinion.
No Netflix launched their reboot the past few days, 10 episodes. Huge budget.The new show is decent, but it's nothing outstanding. It's worth the time if you've got nothing else pressing to watch in my opinion.
Thanks. I'll wait until I have dead times with nothing else to watch.
What? The original was a hot mess developed on the sets paid for by Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, sneaking in after hours to shoot. (This is really true.)
But it was original and made with the same care and ideology of most 60s American TV Scifi (the hippies), so it gets a major pass.
All the reviews for the new LiS have it being strange but not bad.
Unlike ReBoot, dammit, which looks to be an ill-conceived cash-in.
@thenomain When the husband described the, uh, reboot of Reboot, I actually threw up in my mouth a little. I liked the original, he adored it; we both have a case of sandy asscrack about it.
I was OK with the new Lost in Space. It was visually stunning, so if you like eye candy, it's worth it for that alone. I am not usually a fan of child characters in anything (but Lucifer, Trixie is the exception that proves the rule, I adore that kid to bits) but they were pretty genuine and not wincey. The logic behind them being good at things -- and questioning it at times, along with lack of experience -- was actually bothered with, so it wasn't the usual 'and here is an obligatory pile of child prodigies with no explanation other than smart parents'.
If you have a day to binge a thing in the background, or just for some standard eye candy, you could do way worse.
It did lead to some heavy-duty eyeroll with my husband, who claimed some of the gender-swaps in terms of leadership positions and characters in general 'seemed like pandering', but the look he got along with the question, 'so is it pandering to people with penises in the original?' ended that one with a quickness as that particular lightbulb finally seemed to click on above his head. (Thank goodness.)
there is no reboot of Reboot.
I refuse to believe
not a thing
nuhuh -
This amuses me greatly, especially when the view pans up in the trailer scene:
Watching Lost in Space, can I just say that I fuckin' love Penny in her interactions with Vijay?
Like... best teenage girl ever. I mean I love her for other things, but her interactions with him are gold.
Legion's back, bitches.
@coin It's getting deeper. I'm not sure it will ever have larger appeal because it's so easy to not understand wtf is going on at times especially if you miss out a scene here and there, or even an entire episode.
@coin It's getting deeper. I'm not sure it will ever have larger appeal because it's so easy to not understand wtf is going on at times especially if you miss out a scene here and there, or even an entire episode.
The wonder of modern television: just go back and watch what you missed.
It's not like we live in a time where you have to wait for the fucking thing to be in syndication so you can watch it all over again.
@auspice This is disappointing
@auspice I wish we still had downvotes. You deserve it. You ruined my life.