Yes there are several tribes, of the same genetic stock who are separated and defined by their jobs. River Tribe, Mining Tribe so forth and so on, but it would be like saying white people aren't all white because some of them work in factories and some of them work in fast-food.
That happens once in his entire life time in which he can only be challenged by other members of the Oligarchy/Royalty? What are sheep farmers suppose to do if they want more out of life? The only people who can create social change of any kind are the ones in power and have no reason to change anything.
- Wakanda avoids conflict...
He has strike teams of warriors with high tech weapons, spies planted across the globe, and flies his stealth jet around hunting down people who piss him off and trying to kill them or capture them to bring back as prisoners with no due process, no extradition and no respect for international law.
Imagine if any other nation in the world did that.
- He didn't kill his enemies...
Yeah, that spear in the chest was just a friendly love-tap? When his own General scolded him for not letting the token American die I'm sure she was just mouthing off to the King for fun.
- But he was selfless and put the needs of his people first...
Bullshit. Most of his people live like they are a third world nation in order to protect his secrets.
He spends the entire movie trying to convince the woman he wants to give up her silly dream of stopping human trafficking so he can hit that hot, lonely pussy every night.
The entire movie was literally about him and how great a king he was. He never, for one second, stopped thinking about his control over his nation and his legacy.
When he found out about Killmonger he could have sent people to bring him back and welcomed him as a brother. They could have reached out to help the world together but his first reaction was to banish him from the kingdom and protect his own power.
That is why Killmonger was yelling, "Ask me my name!" and T'chala refused. He was going to keep the truth from the council to protect himself and his control. His actions are selfishness cloaked in nobility. His every action is to secure his power and nothing more.
The ending of the movie was him finally learning to not be a selfish asshole and he still didn't actually open his borders. He started outreach programs and was willing to share his technology but Wakanda, that stays firmly under his control and isolated so he keeps his power.
He knew the world was going to find out about Wakanda, it had been too exposed. It was only a matter of time. Now everything happens his way, on his terms, and he looks like the great big hero coming to save the world with is generosity but he never, ever, gives up control.