@ganymede ...is that Cyborg beating his meat? Is that a joke they did in the show?
One of my very first conversations with the guy:
@TheOnceler pages: Usually I keep my penis in my front pocket while at work,
but since I'm in the back I'm just wearing a sweatshirt and letting it
hang from my pull-ties. It's a broad-tip so it leaks ink all over the
place and everytime I reached for it I got a big mark on my hand.@TheOnceler pages: PENS! PENS! PENS!
It still makes me cry laughing when I read it.
@quinn That is pretty great.
@quinn holy shit i wish i could upvote that more than once
@quinn That starts out great and just keeps getting greater.
Trying not to laugh-cry at my office desk.
One of my very first conversations with the guy:
@TheOnceler pages: Usually I keep my penis in my front pocket while at work,
but since I'm in the back I'm just wearing a sweatshirt and letting it
hang from my pull-ties. It's a broad-tip so it leaks ink all over the
place and everytime I reached for it I got a big mark on my hand.@TheOnceler pages: PENS! PENS! PENS!
It still makes me cry laughing when I read it.
It's been like twelve years.
Let me be!
I think it's older than that. That typo is old enough to vote these days.
@2mspris "... that said, welcome to the game!"
Mine: Late 90's, a WoT MUD I staffed on was using a 'democratic system' to make decisions. That meant there wasn't really anyone in charge per se, anything was voted on by a committee, and the politics were pretty intense.
It had led to these long meetings - we're talking 4-5 hours each - to determine everything, which were spammy and boring as hell. Anyway, one of my RP partners at the time and I were TSing over pages while waiting for the next vote.
... And she maved, posing it into the room instead of sending it in a page to me. Did I mention her RL husband was the meeting's chairman?
There was a long silence afterwards, like 30 seconds of it while people read what was on their screens to make sure they saw it right... and then everything devolved into pure chaos.
... I've heard this story somewhere.
Where have I heard this before? I definitely wasn't on that game, but I think I know someone else who was in that meeting.
I was new. Potato has a "Text Editor" or some shit. I didn't realize the editor was tied to the "window" you opened it in. I was in the middle of one romantic encounter ... and using a proxy login for a second romantic encounter.
iirc it was Jimi Hendrix lyrics used in the romancing of Scene A that got input into the text editor of Scene B.
It wasn't TS, but if was thoughtful, just-for-you, special words... that got sent to the wrong person.
If either of you are here, I apologize. Again and forever.
@ganymede ...is that Cyborg beating his meat? Is that a joke they did in the show?
Somebody was paging me to ask if I was available for a scene awhile back and without thinking I responded "Holy cannoli that's a spicy meatball"
I paged them "mav" to cover my tracks and then we continued on as if that never happened.
@tinuviel I remember one time on DuneIII when someone did that in the middle of a CHOAM meeting. Which is awesome because I don’t remember anything else from that meeting.
@tinuviel I hate that two of my ten top upvoted posts is related to that damned meeting.
There are two I can think of that still cause me to die laughing years and years later. One, I was in a scene in which both of us were playing nWoD Changelings, and my rp partner at the time was working nights, so even on their nights off, had to stick to the nocturnal schedule. I was staying up super late one night and in the middle of a pose, I started to doze and began typing out something about Star Trek shuttle craft and away missions. My friend was dyyyyying and was just like 'Go to bed!' It was a somewhat common occurrence for me to pass out mid pose and end things like:
Tzalene looks over to him with pain in her eyes and she parts her lips on a choked breathhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsasooo...
And yet somehow I always managed to hit enter. -.-The other thing was actually a really insane phone autocorrect, talking to the same person. I was talking about a sailor-type roster on Arx and how I had had my eye on her for an alt to play with my friend's character at the time who was kind of pirate-ish, but someone else scooped her up.
It could have been cool, I really think the pirate cock was awesome.
And there was this loooong pause before she texted back '!!!!!!!!!!' and I reread the text and burst out laughing as I tried to correct 'CHICK! PIRATE CHICK!'
Closest thing I have to a blooper that comes to mind..
I am one of those people who dozed off mid-scene. Or I thought I did. I woke up the next morning with my laptop still in my lap (I was in bed, with many pillows... skills), and an entire scene. On the screen.
I have no memory of it. Still don't.
@tanvia You are not alone on that one.
Worst part: the person I was playing with said it was the best writing they'd ever seen me do and was gushing about it for days.
Ever since, I've felt like a loser for not being able to write so well as I apparently write when I'm asleep.
@surreality said in Bloopers:
Ever since, I've felt like a loser for not being able to write so well as I apparently write when I'm asleep.
This but when I'm drunk.
@coin Wait. I had patience?!?
@Coin You did it to me, too. Many times. I still fasehate you for it. SO MUCH ANGST. C'mere so I can throw things at you.
I can't think of any bloopers off the top of my head, for myself. There are probably bajillions of them, but I'm drawing a blank. This makes me sad. I shall endeavor to screw up in epic, hilarious fashion in the near future so that I can regale the lot of you with the retelling.
The classic "don't tell person x...." mav sent to person x.