Jul 10, 2015, 4:53 AM

A lot of libertarians and a few anarcho-capitalists (in particular the shrill Stefan Molyneux bots) tend to all agree that if you want to control people you control their health care. I disagree with that. Maybe if we weren't investing in the military industrial complex, not to mention supporting countries that we shouldn't be in the first place, perhaps a really great health care system would be at our fingertips as Americans and quite possibly an economically good decision.

And I think it all depends on where you are at. I live in Wyoming and where I am at, the nearest endocrinologist for my wife is in Rapid City, South Dakota. Aside from the odd trip that we make once a year to visit to check up on her A1C levels (which we normally make a weekend out of, filled with shopping and stuff we cannot do in our neck-o-the-woods), we find that her general practitioner can do quite a bit.

A few years ago before the pre-existing condition issues abounded, it would have been unthinkable for us to pay into our own health care. Now, we can, though thankfully I get good insurance through my employer.