Who are you?
So, this thread isn't about providing identifying information of any kind (don't do that!).
We're all hanging out here anyway, some of us for years, so I figured we might want to share some casual details about what makes us... us, in real life. Weird little things, stuff we like to do, eat, visit, watch or read.
No humble-bragging, either!
So I'll give it a start, see if this thing catches on.
My favorite
pizzafood involves pineapple, pepperoni and BBQ sauce. Judge me all you want, fools. -
I don't like hot showers. Or, rather, my threshold for 'hot water' has been historically much cooler than most people's I know.
Perhaps on that note! My sense of smell doesn't work - or, rather, it's woeful. When I enter places like bakeries I can sometimes smell something for a few seconds, then it goes away, else... nothing. I'm paranoid over this and overcompensate with extra showers just in case.
My car has a manual transmission. That's a European thing I carried all the way to the New World but I prefer it now even though obviously standard is easier.
E-reader > physical books. Fite me. My shelves have been full all my life, and now I can carry my entire to-read list with me anywhere I go.
My parents didn't like animals when I was growing up (although they changed their minds later on) but I always wanted pets... so I went overboard as an adult, and now I share the house with five critters.
I don't need variety in my diet. If I like a specific meal I can have the same thing for weeks at a time - and I have. Usually I order the same one thing from each restaurant I go to, once I find one I like enough.
I have no tattoos. I'm not cool enough.
You go. Who are you?
This seems fun! Lets see how badly I can do...
- Funyuns are my 'slut' food. As in, I will do damn near anything for them. They replaced Salt & Vinegar chips when I discovered them in my pre-teens.
- I have a secret stash of romance novels on my Google Books/Kindle libraries. Not quite Harlequin romance levels of bad, but many of them toe that line aaaaaaaaaawful close.
- I love cats. Fite me. Dogs can go bark up a tree for all I care, give me floofs and toebeans and haughty 'I meant to do that' expressions!
- I too am very simple in my food likes and can eat a single thing for weeks at a time, no fucks given.
- I never really got into 'anime' despite it becoming really popular right around my teens.
- Across my lifetime, I have had my tongue pierced twice, my ears pierced once, gotten three tattoos... and currently have only the tattoos.
- I have no allergies. At all. To anything. Which apparently in this day and age is extremely rare. Along with being just generally healthy, I guess?
- I don't like baths, it just feels gross to sit in standing water.
I'm your mom and I want to tell you that you need a varied diet for nutrition.
- I always thought I liked hot showers until I began dating. Now I discover I actually don't like them all that hot in comparison. I FEEL YOU, @Arkandel!
- Truffles (truffle salt, truffle oil, etc.) makes me ill. Not in an allergy kind of way, but in a 'holy shit this is too much' kind of way. I'm a super-taster and it is one of the most overpowering things I've ever encountered. I don't really trust anyone that is not a professional with it as a result.
- I love every cat. Cats > People. I get legit upset if a movie/show/etc hurts a cat. Fuck that show. If it's a person or dog or whatever, I can deal. But if it's a cat? It goes in the "never watch again, 1-star, #donotrecommend" list.
- I have no shame about using walkthroughs for video games when I struggle. I play games to relax nowadays. I don't need bragging rights for a game. I just wanna play and have fun goddamnit.
- I am ambidextrous.
- I can fold a fitted sheet. #probablyawitch
- I taught myself to knit from one of those black-and-white "how to knit" kits in yonder pre-YouTube days, so my 'style' of knitting is a blend of the two -- there's Continental (left-handed) and English (right-handed) -- methods. Over the years many people have tried to understand 'how' I knit and have been unable to puzzle it out. But it works and it comes together, so I just keep doing it because re-teaching myself has failed. But it does mean I cannot teach others.
- I can, however, teach people to crochet and I am good enough at that I have troubleshot crochet problems over the phone!
- I'm immune to poison ivy (or at least I was as a kid; nowadays I'm not dumb enough to test if I still am).
- Hot showers are the best thing ever, what's wrong with you people.
- Dogs are awesome, but rats are my favorite. They're like pocket puppies. The only bad thing about them is they generally only live a couple years. They're smart, sweet, clean, and affectionate (domesticated rats, don't freak out).
- I'm an artist. As in, I have to make things or I get super depressed and more emotional and anxious than usual. If I could make things in exchange for housing and food and clothing and internet and materials to make more things, this is likely all I'd ever do.
- I have two tattoos and a pierced lip.
- I just got a Paperwhite Kindle for Christmas; it is my favorite thing ever. It's full of Bioware and Bethesda fanfiction. The really filthy kind. It's a good thing it's waterproof.
- my favorite food in the whole world are the avocado egg rolls from CPK but I will legit try any food at least once.
- I have PTSD from this when I was 8: https://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/1997/fs113-97/
- I am incredibly, horribly allergic to poison oak and ivy, both. It's a shame I like camping so much.
- I think lawyers smell funny.
@sincerely Hey.
I love Korean jjimjilbang and Russian banyas. While I detest hot weather and whine if the weather involves temperatures above 80 degrees, I will happily roast myself in a sauna while wearing a wool cap (it allows you to stay in longer at hotter temps, because it protects your hair from getting super hot), then jump in over my head to the icy cold pool, then work my way through all the various temperature baths before baking myself in the sauna, and repeating that cycle for a few hours. Heavenly, and makes your skin look great.
I developed radar nose with my first pregnancy and it's never gone away. This is a bad thing when you have a bunch of young adolescent boys but eventually that part gets easier. So I can smell/identify smells even at very small volume with a high degree of accuracy. It's a cool trick at wine tasting parties because I hate the taste of wine but if you give me what I'm supposed to be smelling for I can do better most of the time than the people who actually taste it.
I don't like alcohol, unless it doesn't taste like it. I didn't take a drink until I was 21, took one sip of a strawberry daquiri and then promptly gave it to a friend so I could order a non-alcoholic one. I get headaches from tannins and most liquor makes me flush. I love making cocktails though, and can usually enjoy a glass of mead, cider, or a very watered down cocktail.
I don't get high from marijuana. I sort of smoked my first joint at 40. I've tried edibles, drinkables, tinctures, blah blah blah, so I can track the potency. One time I ingested about triple the recommended dose and all that happened is that I went to sleep like 2 hours later. I'm a little disappointed to be honest. Suggestions, anyone? On the plus side I never feel paranoid or sick either which is good from what I understand.
I love animals! I double majored in college in Family and Child Development and Animal Science and once thought I'd be a large animal vet. I grew up riding horses (just riding, nothing fancy like showing or rodeo). I've spent many hours on barn watch for calves and lambs and pigs. I've actually rounded up cattle on horseback! Cattle are my favorite. If I didn't know that my husband would kill me, I would get a couple of small breed cattle just for pets. I fucking hate sheep except for lambs. I also think turkeys are freaks. I have been bitten and/or kicked by just about every kind of animal except for exotic cats and large reptiles. I've received the rabies vaccine series like 3 times.
Aside from MUSHing, my only other long time hobby is survivalism/disaster prep. I used to help moderate a huge forum for non-white-supremacist/fundamentalist religious preppers.
At all times we have at least a 3 month supply of food (we have a well which can be used without power though it's a pain in the ass, so we have a smaller quantity of water on hand too), seeds to grow greens and other things in a pinch, sanitation supplies, pretty much everything but a generator. I also have bug out bags for every single person prepped for our family, as well as a car kit in each care for the winter. (during the summer since I have a preschooler i have enough snacks plus half-eaten snacks in the cars to feed half an army).
I can't think of much.
I was raised by lawyers.
I was avoiding soda until I found Bundeburg Ginger Ale. I had a lovely older gentleman who ran a fast food Indian place at the mall say he would not serve large soda anymore because he felt that was irresponsible. That led me to replace soda with unsweetened iced tea.
I do not drink alcohol, it tastes nasty to me. If I can't taste it, I don't want it in my drink.
I never forget a betrayal.
I cannot read your emotional cues.
I can miss the obvious really really well.
I like cats.
I prefer proteins over carbs.
Some random bits and bobs about me:
I love hot showers. Specifically when you crank the water temperature up and the water is slightly scalding you as it hits your back. It's soooo satisfying, right up until you stop being able to feel it and have to turn it up a little higher. And your skin feeling all leathery when you get out is no fun
Along those lines, when I have an itchy rash I like to have a shower. That scalding hot water on the itch feels almost comparable to an orgasm. Probably not good for the skin but holy crap does it feel good.
Cats > Dogs. Forever. Maybe I just burned out on them, we had like 10 dogs (mostly Tibetan Terriers, plus a few Collies) when I was growing up because my Mother bred them. I don't dislike dogs mind you, I just greatly prefer cats. They tend to be quieter too in my experience.
Favourite food would probably be a chicken and feta pizza.
The only time in the past one and a half years I've left my house was to vote. Before that I worked night shifts at a supermarket (that was closed at night), and that was basically the only thing that got me out of the house. That probably sounds a little concerning, but I'm fine with it. Not agoraphobic or anything, I just don't really enjoy real life socializing. Hermit fo' life, yo.
I often get people asking me where I'm from because I supposedly have a slight accent. I'm not sure how, I don't hear anything different and it's not like my family are recent immigrants or anything. I guess I just talk funny.
I found MUDs and MUCKs back in like '99, but never really did any RP of any sort until just over a year ago. I had a ton of fun with it, but my anxiety made it way more stressful than it needed to be. I'm still waiting to find a new place that jumps out at me and makes me want to give it another shot.
I don't drink coffee, or tea. I mostly just drink tap water. Not because of any health related reasons, just because I hate the taste of coffee, don't like the taste of tea, and water is just easier.
There you go, some facts about a random lurker you never thought you would, could, or should know.
Ok, well, here goes I guess!
I don't have a favorite food. I really, truly don't. I know that makes me weird, but I just like anything spicy. I guess I would say that capsaicin is my favorite food, but I am not sure that it really qualifies.
I buy physical books. And then I pirate the digital versions. I don't feel bad about this. My bookshelves look impressive and my books are well cared for, and my notes and hilites are linked on my devices for my own personal use because I need the stuff in my life to be organized and searchable and available at a moment's notice.. Someone got paid. I am not paying you twice.
I believe in white lies. For example -- I need my showers at borderline-unsafe levels of heat for extended periods of time or I don't feel clean.My boyfriend likes to shower together (and no, neither of us like shower sex, it's just talking time in the few moments we have to spare together). My boyfriend does not know that I like hot water, and he is a cold showers kind of person. I probably won't tell him either. He has a lung condition and the steam screws with him. So I relish the opportunity to sneak in hot showers while he is out of the house.
I have two facial piercings, but I work in government in a ridiculously conservative state, so both of them are placed in rather inconspicuous spots where eyebrows/facial hair can cover the marks. I plan on getting tattoos, but I worry that having to wear cloth over them is going to screw them up.
Despite being a MUer, I have never been into MMO's. The feel of them is just wrong. I am currently trying my hand at ESO, and it is so unlike other Elder Scrolls games that I am not sure I am gonna make it very far. But I am trying, because they are the new thing and my friends play. forced smile
I can fold a fitted sheet too. #coventime
I sometimes pick up books on things I find interesting even if they are really obscure. I tend to do well in school because if we had a real life 'Would You Like to Know More' prompt like in Starship Troopers I would slam my hand down on that sucker every time. Between personal interest and school, my kindle has enough random stuff on it that if anyone were to ever actually look at it, they would probably think I was a terrorist. On the page I am looking at, I have a survival manual, Army Field Manual 3-24: Counterinsurgency, Nozick's 'Anarchy, State, and Utopia', a book on Python, a book on Kobudo, a book on Aikido, a book on Statics, a book on Aviation Engineering, and the first book of the Magicians. Yep.
@derp said in Who are you?:
He has a lung condition and the steam screws with him.
This might be why I think I take hotter showers than I do. My asthma was much much worse as a kid/teen so I took colder showers for the longest time. And if I take too hot a shower, I can tell because hoo-boy it gets hard to breathe!
Also I did forget:
- I have standard piercings in my ears, a Monroe, and a daith. I used to have my tongue pierced, but after a surgery I 'came to' from the pain meds a few days later and had an 'oh shit!' moment. I also had my nose pierced before my sinus surgery a few years ago, but it was closed up before the swelling went down. I've considered more piercings, but haven't gotten them yet.
- I have three tattoos and am considering many more (once I can afford it). I've even found my tattoo artist!
OK then.
My favourite food is cauliflower cheese. It is my comfort food but the shop bought ones don't have enough cheese or pepper in them so I either make it or add more.
I am dog-mad, and was raised by dog-mad people. When I showed my newborn baby to my grandfather, he said she had too much white (bad thing for show boxers) and asked if I had had her docked yet.
I also have a collection of romance novels, because they are popcorn for my brain which works too hard all day. I do love real books though, for more long term reads.
I do have tattoos.
I was raised by social workers and now have a pathological reaction to people telling me too much fluffy detail. Just the facts please.
I'm allergic to wine.
- Last year I developed really, really severe agoraphobia that prevents me from driving more than five minutes from my house without having the mother of all panic attacks. Boo.
- I'm slowly getting better. Yay.
- I somehow managed to get sworn in as a lawyer and spend part of my days working for a nonprofit and feeling like Mr. Magoo. Yay?
- I play a rabidly conservative religious character because I like stretching my limits and doing things that feel alien. Yay?
- Because IRL I'm a rabidly leftist religious person. Your mileage may vary.
- Dogs and cats are equally amazing. YAY.
- I play flute okay. I sing with enthusiasm and without skill. I am learning how to draw and am very poor at it.
- Fat is tastier than sweet. But both combined is best. Ice cream is sublime.
- I don't have tattoos or piercings, and at the present time the only plans I have for any are a traditional Jerusalem cross on my arm if I ever make a pilgrimage there.
- I frequently get agitated that I don't have the time to learn every language.
- I'm theoretically learning Mandarin but am really on an indefinite hiatus.
And most importantly I've never let inconsequential details like my ignorance or basic facts get in the way of my opinions, of which there are many.
This post is deleted! -
This post is deleted! -
Sure, why not! I enjoy "get to know you"s.
I am also one of those people who would happily eat the exact same things at every meal and in every restaurant, because I have found the things I like and I'm perfectly happy with it. (And there is enough variety in what I eat that you're not going to convince me that is unhealthy.)
I absolutely hate "sweet tea" and will not consume it. But I live on strong, unsweet black teas (hot and cold).
I collect "antique handkerchiefs" of the sort that someone has crocheted lace around. I probably have hundreds of them. (I also collect comic books, Fiestaware (but only in the antique medium green and daffodil), Trixie Belden books and Lady of Shalott art.)
Movie theater "butter" makes me vomit. I also prefer my potato chips plain and the original "nacho" flavor of Doritos. I don't like weird flavors.
I am terrible at reading a map. Despite loving to hike and travel, and even play games that involve looking at maps - I'm awful at it. I get lost every time.
I'm the oldest of 6 children, and quite a bit older than some of them. And my childhood could have been an episode of Jerry Springer, including an experience where two of my brothers (at ages 9 and 5 at the time) and one of my sisters (at age 6) and I were kidnapped in the course of a custody dispute and and transported in a 14 hour car trip when I was 12. Some day I may need to write a book about it.
I used to practically live on roller skates or my bike. I spent years studying ninpo taijutsu and western martial arts, mostly German and Viking swordmanship. It probably helped me adapt around the fact that I'm also a major klutz and am lucky I've survived into adulthood.
I'm a cat person.
I clean things when I'm stressed or upset. In a somewhat OCD fashion.
- All but one (the first, at age sixteen, small and on my ankle) of my five tattoos are Lovecraftian references;
- the more people insist I have to like/enjoy/watch/read/listen to something the less likely I am to be able to;
- I don't like onions, roquefort, mayo, or ketchup;
- I have a cat--I named him Ulthar;
- I work in an office for my country's Council of Science and Technology in an administrative capacity, i.e. paper-pushing;
- I have about four different writing projects I want to do, but am notoriously lazy;
- my favorite soda is root beer;
- unless you're in way-South Australia or New Zealand, chances are I live further south than you.
@derp said in Who are you?:
I plan on getting tattoos, but I worry that having to wear cloth over them is going to screw them up.
It won't. In fact, they'll last longer in better shape away from constant exposure to the sun.
Get them on a Friday so you have the weekend to care for them well though it's not necessary. My last one, two weeks ago or so, I got on a Tuesday but dress code is business casual. You'll need to keep it well moisturized so I had a small bottle in my pocket and added a layer on my breaks and lunch.
You should be fine regardless of when you get it done. Just read up on aftercare and be liberal with moisturizer. (Ice packs are great for the inevitable itching. Don't scratch!)
Woke up in a SoHo doorway, a policeman knew my name- Spent roughly half my teens and twenties in the southern US, so I can say y'all and do a pretty OK accent and manage not to sound like an ahole.
- Never going back though.
- I was raised with ferrets. I LIKE THE SMELL, FUCKIN WEIRD RIGHT
- I like metal, punk, funk, folk, some rap, some electronica...I mean really you could play a mouth harp in a cave and I'd probably listen to it.
- I love, love trying new food. Bizarre Foods is like, my one reality show I love. Favorite cuisines are fairly spicy or just interesting, like Indian. "Weirdest" thing I've ever eaten was probably balut, and I felt awful about it and had to eat it with my eyes closed.
- I do have one tattoo, on my chest above my heart. It's the Deathly Hallows, all gnarly like it was made with bent sticks and thorns. I'd show you but...there's a lot of chest hair involved. I got it this year and I want more!
- I've done hallucinogens and weed, but never anything harder and never will. Hell, once was enough for acid...wasn't a bad trip but yikes, intense.
- I'm a manager at a company that operates a network that transports Medicaid/Medicare patients to their appointments.
- I was raised Mormon but became an atheist at around 20. WEIRD RIGHT
- I've had lots of pets, but the kiddo was bitten when he was four and is still really timid around animals. I love animals so we're working towards something! Dream is to ride horses with him some day.
- HOT SHOWERS 4 LYF just kidding the inevitable water wars will probably take these away from us
Oh this sounds fun!
- I enjoy cooking quite a lot, but hate cleaning, and always cook Too Much Food.
- I am from the Southeastern US, but am a freak with no accent. This has prompted even my fellow Southern natives to claim that I must be lying about where I was born.
- However, "y'all" remains the best and most useful plural.
- I love to read, especially fantasy and SF - latest thing that I read that I really, really was into was the Machineries of Empire trilogy (starts with Ninefox Gambit).
- I also love video games - which has cut into my reading time, as it's far easier to fire up Skyrim and trance out for a few hours than it is to find a book in the house that I haven't already read.
- I have sordid addictions to paranormal romance novels and cooking shows. If you managed to write a romance series about competing chefs in a fantasy world who fall in love, I would buy every copy.
- My favorite color is green, particularly greens with elements of blues.