Came back from 18 degrees Celsius weather in Athens to a winter storm with a combination of 15 to 25 cm snow and ice pellets, freezing rain, and strong winds along with winds gusting near 70 km/h.
Thanks Obama.
@surreality Dreaming about men, again?
@Tinuviel Entirely possible. Anything that came before waking up to my face feeling like someone was trying to stab me through the back of the left side of my jaw was sadly obliterated, however.
If I was, it was probably my ex otherwise known as "Asshole Dave". He'd inspire that.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Anything that came before
Sounds like a man to me...
@Tinuviel ...especially when you get to the 'stabbing into the left side of my jaw' part, come to think of it...
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@mietze And why do they ask for your resume and then also ask you a bunch of questions you can get the answers just fine from the resume.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
And why do they ask for your resume and then also ask you a bunch of questions you can get the answers just fine from the resume.
Peeve du jour: customers who sing out loud and off-key to whatever I'm playing on the radio at work, who get mad when I turn the radio off >.<
FFS Seattle. I have about 2 feet of snow in parts of my backyard. And still more is coming down.
My dentist is really underwear model grade cute. Today, I stopped giving a shit about this fact. You KNOW it's gotta be bad when that happens.
"Yeah, you need to go to the oral surgeon. We can't fix this. Or do anything, actually. That'll be $275, though."
And turns out it was two shattered teeth. The fuck, jaw. I am not a shark, and they don't just pop out replacements in a queue.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
y underwear model grade cute. Today, I stopped giving a shit about this fact. You KNOW it's gotta be bad when that happens.
"Yeah, you need to go to the oral surgeon. We can't fix this. Or do anything, actually. That'll be $275, though."
The new dentist that I went to in the fall pulled a similar stunt.
Things started out fine. They offered me a $99 "new customer" special which included a complete checkup and x-rays. After the checkup I met with some lady in her office. Not sure what her job title was exactly, but anyway, she whips out a work order detailing all of the things they wanted to do in my mouth. $3998 worth of things. I was like "No, thanks, just here to get this lost filling replaced". For the next half hour she did her best to convince me that I absolutely had to have this work done ASAP. "We could finance it if cost is an issue", she explained, shoving yet another form in my face. "No thanks." I said. "Did you know that oral problems can lead to a stroke if left untreated?" She seemed genuinely concerned. At that point I stood up, said "We're done here" and walked back out to the waiting room.
My dentist finally called me in after a half-hour wait. She told me that since I had checked the box that asked if I was nervous about going to the dentist, she felt that I should see a specialist. I just stared at her as she handed me the bill. I took it and said "Thanks for wasting my time and money."
When it was all said and done, I ended up paying $275 to an out-of-network oral surgeon, on top of the $99 that I had paid the first dentist.
And people wonder why I hate dentists.
@mietze said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
FFS Seattle. I have about 2 feet of snow in parts of my backyard. And still more is coming down.
This weather has been completely bananapants crazy. And it's still snowing at my house (near Northgate) at 6pm.
@Sparks We have 2 feet in my backyard total, and that was before this afternoon's snow. It's truly cracray. Now I'm listening to huge tree limbs crack and fall with the weight of simultaneously falling and melting snow. Still have power though!
@mietze My power is flickering. crosses fingers everything stays on
Also, the house behind me butts up right against the fence, and the roof overhang actually almost crosses the fence into my yard. The overhang of their solar-panel-covered roof. I'm just waiting for things to warm up juuuuust enough for all that accumulated snow to slide free and come crashing down into the parking area behind my house.
I'm in a hotel in Bellevue. And it keeps going from rain to snow and back to rain and then rainy snow. Like it doesn't know WHAT it wants to do.
@RnMissionRun Sadly, my teeth are actually hot garbage and have been since I had braces as a kid. Crooked would have been fine compared to 'it tore the enamel off the fronts (and all around on some that went all around) of every single tooth in my head'. My mother's side of the family has the worst weak teeth/shitty enamel pretty much ever.
So, they weren't making things up. Which sucks worse. (They can fix one of them... for $1800. The other has to go and get an implant for who knows how-the-fuck-much later in the year.)
The worst is, the dentist is actually very good. Just... they nickel and dime the shit out of us. We tried to save money by going to a clinic for a while -- which was hell on earth -- and they made things ten times worse. Every single filling they ever did has had to be replaced for 3x more, because they've all fallen out within 3 years. One, the same day it was done. And nerve damage. (Ugh.)
I see those full-replacement implant commercials and just sigh with longing for a winning lottery ticket at the thought of never having to deal with this kind of bullshit again.
@reimesu said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'm in a hotel in Bellevue. And it keeps going from rain to snow and back to rain and then rainy snow. Like it doesn't know WHAT it wants to do.
It's literally been doing that all week here. Rain a ton, then freeze. Snow a ton, then rain a ton, then freeze. It's ridiculous. We have frozen floodwater right now.
@Derp We have nearly the exact opposite here. Storms and rain and cold, then rather darn hot. Which evaporates the wetness in the ground making it hot and humid. Ugh.
Came back from 18 degrees Celsius weather in Athens to a winter storm with a combination of 15 to 25 cm snow and ice pellets, freezing rain, and strong winds along with winds gusting near 70 km/h.
Thanks Obama.
...going to the oral surgeon, only to find that the x-rays weren't sent over properly.
And they told him to extract the wrong tooth.
So he had to take more x-rays to confirm this. So much for saving $ on 'already having the x-rays done'. least we caught the error before it was too late. Seriously, though. That's a year off my life.
I am so insanely glad that, when I was a kid, my parents took oral hygiene seriously and enforced some kind of authoritarian No Sugar zone. At the time? I hated it, it was the worst.
Now as a 35 year old with not a single filling who has never required a dentist to do more than look in my mouth, then shrug after perhaps scraping with a hook thingy and tell me to come back in two years? I am unspeakably grateful. I even still have all of my wisdom teeth, I get the impression there is a whole world of horror and expense that is common to virtually everyone which I just sort of passed on by thanks to having a huge mouth and a mother who was serious about health.