...we named our absurdly overly-marked-up ice cream scoop from the UK #5.
Stop looking at me like that! It's because this is it's tracking info:
...we now feel OK with the price since it clearly has the power to travel in time and space.
Game of Thrones: Season 8 trailer.
I could not possibly be more hyped than this.
@Arkandel I teared up.
News continues to trickle out about Good Omens.
Who's excited?
Smaller list: Who's not excited?
I don't know if it counts as "TV" but over the last week, I got sucked into watching this guy(steve1989mreinfo) on youtube reviewing army food. It's kind of amazing how long jujubes will last.
I've been watching him for a while now and there are things that he will open and I go, "don't eat that." and he eats it and doesn't die. I think he has an iron stomach or something. Of course he does manage to get some really well preserved MREs but still...I would not eat food out of a 70 year old MRE.
I know most people are tired if it, but I'm going to miss Arrow. I think the DC TV shows are way better than any of their movies. I'm feeling like The 100 might be ending as well. I just hope they don't cancel Legends, or if they do, then give Mick his own show, where he goes around and says stuff about things.
@ArmedCarp ...I want Legends to live on forever, as the glorious comedy that it is. They did so much better once they embraced the goofy campy absurdity.
It's an hour of my week that is much improved when it's on, it really is. I don't care if people think it's 'dumb'; it's the rare sort of funny I really love, and some of the humor is actually fairly clever re: kicks to the fourth wall. (Like Stein constantly wincing any time the Titanic is brought up, or Mick REALLY hating vampires... )
No matter what, I will love my tee of Beebo holding a chainsaw with 'Let's Screw Things Up for the Better!' on it forever, I truly will. ("Worst orgy ever.")
I mean... it's sorta their self-mocking, throw in all the references to quirky or misbegotten things in the DC universe -- many of which are wince-worthy "what were they even thinking?!" goofery beyond the norm -- that will never get their own show or movie or even mention in likely any other one ever. The husband (who initially hated it) loves the hell out of it now, since he's constantly spotting props that are this-canon-widget or that-obscure-side-character and he gets all excited.
It's their misfits and lovable losers show. That, thankfully... seems to be a trend now, more than it was when it started. Fingers crossed. It's another one I hope Netflix might take a look at if for some reason the CW drops it. I think they'd have a blast with it, and since they're losing all the Marvel content, shit, why not? They knocked it out of the park with Umbrella Academy, so I'm sure they could pull it off brilliantly. Still looking forward to more Lucifer with them, too.
There should be a thread about bad TV. Legion season 1 was so good.
Legion season 2 was so, so, so bad.
Just got into iZombie thanks to a coworker nagging me about it, and I feel like I was missing out now. In retrospect I'm kinda glad that she did now that I'm on season 2.
Has anyone watched The Order on Netflix. It is...kinda bad, but also kind of good, and pretty much can be summed up as "What happens when werewolves and the Mysterium don't like each other much. Together, they fight crime!"
Also, there is Matt Frewer with a truly epic old man beard.
I actually really like how they portray magic and they have a pretty unique take on werewolves, though.
@Cupcake It's a really interesting take on the 'Second Skin' tell for wolf-blooded, after a fashion. Not the same effect, but...
I liked it. As teen supernatural shows go -- and I admit I have a weakness there -- I've seen wayyyyyyy worse.
@surreality Is it just me or has Jedediah Goodacre reached the 'supernatural trifecta' for actors? He has played a vampire, a werewolf, and a magic user.
Bonus points for also playing a fairy tale prince.
@Cupcake Bwahahaha. I didn't even think of that. But yes.
I was also all, "But, nooooo, no, Todd!" through enough of it that it kept me entertained no matter what else. Because my brain forgets what I'm actually watching like that, once in a while, in ways that amuse me.
Has anyone watched The Order on Netflix. It is...kinda bad, but also kind of good, and pretty much can be summed up as "What happens when werewolves and the Mysterium don't like each other much. Together, they fight crime!"
It is a weirdly watchable terrible show. An actual conversation between my housemate and myself while watching this first season:
"This show is... not good."
"No, it really isn't."
long pause
"Watch the next episode?"
"Yeah, go for it."