Apr 3, 2019, 3:18 PM

Like a good bit here ( @Roz, @Auspice, etc.), I was born into it. Or perhaps you can say I was brought into it. My mom wasn't much of a nerd, being a single mom in the late 70's she mostly worked, which is where she met my Step-Dad. He was the nerd. We had an Atari 2600 when I was 5, regularly watched old Star Trek re-runs and saw every Star Wars movie whenever they came on the TV (which was a rarity growing up). He loved to play strategy games, though he couldn't quite get into D&D. I'd gone through my dad's collection of old books and read everything written by Tom Clancy, and then stumbled upon Frank Herbert's last 2 Dune books. I didn't go full-throttle into nerd-dom until I started to become more independent in high school. The city library was on the way to school every day, so I started reading every book I could find in their Science Fiction section. It all started with 'Dune' and exploded from there. Asimov, Pohl, Dick, I grew up with all the "classics". Then once I was fully on my own, it just went on from there.