May 10, 2019, 5:24 PM

Dave Chappelle.

I mean, he's a gifted comedian with flaws, but he's a genuinely good guy, it seems. Here's him talking about his current place of residence, and sticking up for the people living there. He's also an intelligent man, who figured out when and why it was best for him to walk away.

But he's still a local celebrity, so when his local NPR affiliate was looking for donations to keep running, he elected instead to put on a show in nearby Dayton, with all of the proceeds going to the station (WYSO). The story is that the station invited him and his wife down, and that's when he told him that he'd rather donate his time.

First, all of the orchestra level seats at the local Schuster Center, where the show will be, sold out. Today, they started to sell the lower and upper balcony seats, and were sold out in under an hour. Naturally, I got my tickets because, well, it helps to work in downtown Dayton.

So, I'm Rick James, bitches. And Dave's a stand-up guy for his joint, Yellow Springs, Ohio.