What state do you live in?
The law firm of Ganymede, Rinel, & Saosmash, LPA might able to find an answer.
All my joints hurt. It is 1am. I'm up in five hours with a full teaching day, when I'll be standing. Fuck this, my body needs to stop with the inflammation. Back to GP for me...
@Auspice - my insurance has tried to pull that shit.
So, I'd like to try injections into my scalp, although "like" may be too strong a term. "Oh, well, we don't really want to cover that procedure. Hey, have you tried pills?" YES. ALL OF THEM. For more than half of my life.
Fine, I'll try to get aimovig instead. "Oh, have you considered injections?" Screw you, you spent two years telling me you wouldn't cover those until all other options had been tried! Now you want me to try it? No, we're going with what the neurologist suggested!
"Oh, we'll only cover aimovig for people with intractable chronic migraines." What the hell do you think I have?! "You need to exceed a certain number of days off headache per month. How many did you have last month?" 18 days. If you want to count the constant lower severity migraine that never goes away, 31. "Yeah, if the migraine is a baseline state it doesn't count as a migraine attack. And you need attacks on more than 22 days a month for us to classify you as suffering chronic migraines and cover aimovig." Are you shitting me?! Because my migraine never goes away it counts as baseline and thus not chronic?!
Long story short, I gave up on the insurance, got the aimovig anyway, and thank god because it has been life-changing. Also UnitedHealthcare is terrible and should be taken out and put in the trash.
I hope your new insurance is better about this than your current (or mine); good luck!
@Sparks said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice - my insurance has tried to pull that shit.
So, I'd like to try injections into my scalp, although "like" may be too strong a term. "Oh, well, we don't really want to cover that procedure. Hey, have you tried pills?" YES. ALL OF THEM. For more than half of my life.
Fine, I'll try to get aimovig instead. "Oh, have you considered injections?" Screw you, you spent two years telling me you wouldn't cover those until all other options had been tried! Now you want me to try it? No, we're going with what the neurologist suggested!
"Oh, we'll only cover aimovig for people with intractable chronic migraines." What the hell do you think I have?! "You need to exceed a certain number of days off headache per month. How many did you have last month?" 18 days. If you want to count the constant lower severity migraine that never goes away, 31. "Yeah, if the migraine is a baseline state it doesn't count as a migraine attack. And you need attacks on more than 22 days a month for us to classify you as suffering chronic migraines and cover aimovig." Are you shitting me?! Because my migraine never goes away it counts as baseline and thus not chronic?!
Long story short, I gave up on the insurance, got the aimovig anyway, and thank god because it has been life-changing. Also UnitedHealthcare is terrible and should be taken out and put in the trash.
I hope your new insurance is better about this than your current (or mine); good luck!
Honestly, if my current insurance is just going to flat out deny it (there was no 'try these other things first,' just a simple no).... I'd rather have UHC back. At least I got to where I could usually convince them when they'd pull those sort of things.
But I just can't afford $215 per injection. And I need the two so we can figure out if the doctor's theory is right (that my occipital nerves are and have been inflamed for a long time). He said the steroid shot, if it helped, would provide pain relief for a time and confirm the theory.
I just want....something. The topiramate doesn't work anymore and he wants me to scale back my dose anyway. He said the level I've been on is what he'd usually prescribe for seizures.
@Auspice - My employer literally retains a "health care advocate" now; if the insurance gives trouble, we can just email her the details, and she can go snarl and breathe fire at UHC on our behalf. Which is an improvement inasmuch as now I won't have to go snarl and breathe fire at them (I am not good at snarling), but it's really freaking sad that this is a thing we actually need.
ETA: Ugh topiramate. I hate that medication. And if it's not even working right anymore... I hope you find what works for you, I really do.
Quote from an email I received: “I was perplexed when you filed your summary judgment motion.”
Look, junior, it’s not my responsibility to explain why I do things. Maybe you should ask someone at your firm rather than thinking you know more about litigation tactics than me. I hope my terse explanation makes you realize how stupid you sounded.
@Sparks said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice - My employer literally retains a "health care advocate" now; if the insurance gives trouble, we can just email her the details, and she can go snarl and breathe fire at UHC on our behalf. Which is an improvement inasmuch as now I won't have to go snarl and breathe fire at them (I am not good at snarling), but it's really freaking sad that this is a thing we actually need.
ETA: Ugh topiramate. I hate that medication. And if it's not even working right anymore... I hope you find what works for you, I really do.
I hate the side effects of topiramate, but I hate the migraines without it even more.
I'm back up to 3-4 days a week. Near daily episodes of vertigo. And my eyesight being fucked a lot of the time.
I honestly haven't felt entirely safe to drive home from work a few nights this month, but....no other choice.
What state do you live in?
The law firm of Ganymede, Rinel, & Saosmash, LPA might able to find an answer.
When the thunder in the air is so heavy and oppressive it literally feels like it's trying to squeeze my brain out of my ears. GET GOING ALREADY!
@Goblin I, too, hate it when wizards duel.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
What state do you live in?
The law firm of Ganymede, Rinel, & Saosmash, LPA might able to find an answer.
Lord have mercy
Does this law firm need an expert in "Bird Law"? If so, I am free to discuss becoming a partner.
Work is busy and strapped for people today and here I am so nauseated I'm afraid I might puke at any minute.I wanna go home but I don't wanna leave them struggling even more.
Thanks migraine! I hate it.
Really, this is a small peeve compared to many that have been posted, but need to get this off of my chest.
I love playing multiplayer games. WoW, Overwatch... games like that are my jam.
What isn't my jam is playing games like those during the summer when all the little edgelord assholes are home for break and want to be toxic pieces of shit. Ugh.
I feel weird whenever someone tells me they've run across someone that looks just like me.
Like, it's sort of an uncanny valley-ish sensation and also I just feel bad for whoever has to live with being this unappealing.
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I feel weird whenever someone tells me they've run across someone that looks just like me.
Much younger, thinner me in the emergency room for an 80+ hour sustained severe migraine. Nurse says "oh, gracious, you could be my daughter's identical twin! She gets horrible chronic migraines too! When I saw the reason for visiting today and then stepped into the room without reading the name, I actually thought you were her for a moment!"
In hindsight I wish I'd quipped something like "Guess I'm not the only one of the clones to escape the top-secret military research facility!" But I think I just whimpered because the lights were still on.
Today it was my mother texting me (they're in town still, but meeting someone else they know in the area) to ask if I was at a place for lunch because she saw someone who looked exactly like me.
...which really, probably, is what makes it worse. That your own mother couldn't tell it wasn't you. That's just sort of disturbing. And similar maybe to your situation, except you were the 'other' (...which sounds kinda mean when put like that perhaps but at the same time, I find it kind of funny and it's now giving me ideas... like a story from the perspective of the intrusionary 'other' rather than the person being replaced...... DOPPELGANGERS WANNA LIVE, TOO!)
@Auspice If it makes you feel any better, I apparently have at least two dead ringers. I met one, and have seen pictures of the other.
The one I met? Same friend group. People would confuse us. Including her boyfriend and mine.
There is a kid at my boys' school that looks so much like my identical twins that until I called out one of my twins' names (this other boy has the same backpack as one of mine), I was shocked when he turned around and it was some other kid (though he did look a LOT like both my twins in the face too). His mannerisms, posture, and walk was very similar. But for all I know this other kid might well be genetically related as well!
My twins are also dead ringers for two of their biological cousins (one son from each of my half-brothers), and look exactly like their grandfather (my bio-dad) did at their age.
I shouldn't be more weirded out by the latter story than the first, but I totally am.
RL peeve:
People who cannot be on time, but will insist that you are.
I should have just assumed that my parents would be 45m-hour late meeting me this morning and slept more. But nooooo I believed their continued insistence last night that they wanted to meet at 7.
I’m glad they leave today. It’s been a better trip than I expected (shockingly, I got no mockery for being the liberal one in the family for once), but I am tired and stressed and ready to have a more open schedule.