@Warma-Sheen You know what got me? I was reading an interview by the Dark Phoenix producers where they were breaking down why they believe the movie didn't do well.
They mentioned a bunch of reasons; timing (Alita: Battle Angel stole its original release spot on the calendar), budget, lack of focus on what groups it focused on...
Man, these people have had their own heads up their asses even before Batman and Robin. The very idea that a film might not do well at the box office because it's not good doesn't seem to mean anything, so they try to barf jargon all over their own reasoning.
Like... that's the difference between Endgame which crushed it and Superman vs Batman which did not; same genre, similar budgets, buildup from earlier films, well known characters... but one was really good and the other was not.
Dark Phoenix is no Logan. It won't succeed no matter when you put its release on a calendar. If you want it to do better you should make a better movie out of it, you guys.