"Death has all but been eradicated while bioengineering and cyber-augmentations mean running into an 85 year old in a 12 year old body..."
When I first heard about cyberrun I wrote it off because it was pitched as a sex game but it's actually more interesting then that. Technically it's not a MU* at all since it's entirely web based but it maintains a lot of the look and feel of a traditional MU*.
The setting is a cyberpunk setting that's very reminiscent of Eclipse Phase in how your character is essentially immortal and able to switch between bodies referred to as Idents(short for identity) which can raise all sorts of questions about who you actually are, especially combined with so called 'neuromods' which alter your perceptions. Idents can then be part of mutually-inclusive groups which explains how they make their living, martyrs who fight to the death for entertainment, cleaners cleaning up the minds of people who have been 'recalled' too many times, private security called 'boots' etc
The grid is somewhat sparse in detailed locations however players can make their own or be creative with those which exist.
The most novel feature of the game is a 'scene' system where you can write up scenes which you are interested in playing out and people who are interested can then apply to join those scenes with the option to enable 'prp' style narrative powers and skill checks.
The game also has a somewhat extensive consent system where you can allow other characters to make mental and physical changes to yours as well as a very exhaustive selection of preferences for what kind of RP you enjoy.
So if you want to play a game like Shadowrun or Eclipse Phase without having to deal with the actual rules of Shadowrun or Eclipse Phase, you could do a lot worse then give Cyberrun a try.
@Groth Am I correct in my assertion that the game is sex-based? Because the game seems sex-based.
@Admiral said in Cyberrun:
@Groth Am I correct in my assertion that the game is sex-based? Because the game seems sex-based.
There's a heavy focus on sex but you can RP whatever you want. Channels are split into SFW and NSFW, public areas are assumed to be SFW(When you create a scene you end up in your own world where only scene participants exist) and each character has a SFW and NSFW profile.
@Admiral said in Cyberrun:
@Groth Am I correct in my assertion that the game is sex-based? Because the game seems sex-based.
Gonna have to go with a yes on the sex-based.
Nia, a dark-eyed gal with biosculpted curves (A-)
Willow, a curvy, tattooed honeyed teenage beauty (A-)
Those... really could be shortdescs from just about any game ever.
"Death has all but been eradicated while bioengineering and cyber-augmentations mean running into an 85 year old in a 12 year old body..."
I'm curious enough to give this a try.
You know.
When I'm not busy with streaming and trying to play catch up on the mushes I do RP on, that is.
Per the Haven RPG forums where this has been discussed he wanted to create a next-gen interface/game because MUs have been relatively the same for a long time. By all reports, the client for this is pretty amazing, but he wanted to put little to no time in the game. Thus it was sex-oriented to ensure a testing base large enough but is really just a sandbox for people to do their own things with other groups of people. There is little to no metaplot or overarching narrative.
Per the Haven RPG forums where this has been discussed he wanted to create a next-gen interface/game because MUs have been relatively the same for a long time. By all reports, the client for this is pretty amazing, but he wanted to put little to no time in the game. Thus it was sex-oriented to ensure a testing base large enough but is really just a sandbox for people to do their own things with other groups of people. There is little to no metaplot or overarching narrative.
Careful, you will summon things not meant to be summoned in this part of the forums.
"Death has all but been eradicated while bioengineering and cyber-augmentations mean running into an 85 year old in a 12 year old body..."
"Death has all but been eradicated while bioengineering and cyber-augmentations mean running into an 85 year old in a 12 year old body..."
From what it looks like there are characters there under the age of 18.
So I guess it's cool if you're into that.
(disclaimer: this is sarcasm. I don't think it's cool to be into that.)
"Death has all but been eradicated while bioengineering and cyber-augmentations mean running into an 85 year old in a 12 year old body..."
It's one of the less popular things the game creator keeps insisting on. People have been telling him for years that barely anyone wants to deal with people playing children but he keeps making the option available based on some kind of freedom of expression grounds. It's more of a hogpit argument then advertising though.
@peasoupling said in Cyberrun:
Those... really could be shortdescs from just about any game ever.
Oh, for suresies. Just... they're pretty much all like that. Like, I wasn't reaching high and far to cherry-pick those examples; it was all low-hanging fruit.
@peasoupling said in Cyberrun:
Those... really could be shortdescs from just about any game ever.
Oh, for suresies. Just... they're pretty much all like that. Like, I wasn't reaching high and far to cherry-pick those examples; it was all low-hanging fruit.
It's really the 'tattooed beauty' for a teenage girl that got me. I'm also gonna tell myself that 'honeyed' means her hair and not other things.
(Also, @Arkandel this thread should prob be moved to constructive at the least...)
@surreality said in Cyberrun:
he keeps making the option available based on some kind of freedom of expression grounds
There's some things I feel quite free expressing I would rather people not so freely express, this being one of them.
Yeah, I agree with you. I would prefer if he enforced adult bodies however I'm willing to ignore that the option exists so long as I don't have to deal with them. One of the advantages Cyberrun has over his previous game Haven is that since the game is entirely consensual it's easy to avoid people you think are disgusting and just focus on the parts of the game you enjoy.
If nothing else I think that the game shows you can create some pretty decent cyberpunk without making things excessively complicated and maybe someone will use it as inspiration to make a cyberpunk game without the peddo baiting.