@Auspice Santa Porg > whatever else is out there.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
There is a car on our cross-street that has had it's alarm intermittently going off in several minute bursts every 15-30 minutes or so. Just when I forget about it, it happens. Again.
It has been happening since 8:30 this morning. I know this because I've been home sick all day.
It is now 7:17 PM.
I... I'm justified in going outside and just setting that fucking car on fire, right?
File a criminal complaint against the owner. Watch it get towed.
My house's windows are closed. Someone is smoking pot in their back yard and it's getting in every crack of the back sliding glass door, and now my kitchen smells like pot.
Unfortunately, the smell of pot makes me puke, which is making it very fucking hard for me to cook dinner.
And I don't know who's doing it and they're smoking outside so I can hardly ask them to stop and DAMN, this is a bitch to deal with.
I am REALLY sensitive to visual violence and gore. I just can't. Husband was watching 911 and I looked up just ONCE and burst into uncontrollable sobbing and still can't stop.
Or just pop their hood up and disconnect their battery.
I'm not sure that's legal... so wear gloves.
@silverfox said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I am REALLY sensitive to visual violence and gore. I just can't. Husband was watching 911 and I looked up just ONCE and burst into uncontrollable sobbing and still can't stop.
This sounds really crippling. Does this condition have a name?
Being a pansy ass?
But really, no, not really, not for me. I'm just super sensitive even if it isn't "real".
So it's now October, which means Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Which means that every goddamn thing marketed to women ever is now pink. And as someone who comes from a family where my grandmother had breast cancer at 46, and my mom had breast cancer at 50, and where I probably have a max of about 15 years before my tits try to kill me.....
This infuriates me. Mostly because a whooooooooooole lot of these things that are Pepto-pink and slapped with ribbons? Either don't actually make any charitable donations, make very minimal ones compared to the price of the product, or donate to poorly run organizations that effectively exist to make a profit rather than actually benefit anyone. (Lookin' at you, Susan G. Komen Foundation.) Especially if they're advertising their primary mission as "awareness". We all know what breast cancer is, guys. Mission accomplished!
If you were going to buy something anyway because you liked it, by all means, go right ahead and do so guilt-free! If you're buying something because you want to do good and get something in exchange, do your research. If you just want to do good, please just donate directly to the charity! I'm already getting emails that are like, "For every ugly $55 pink sweatshirt you buy, we'll donate $1 to one three charities!" and I pinkie-swear-no-backsies that you can probably find an ugly pink sweatshirt for $30 and donate the other $25 to the BCRF or wherever.
ETA: PS -- Check your boobs for weird lumps. Please. It takes, like, two minutes.
@Aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
ETA: PS -- Check your boobs for weird lumps. Please. It takes, like, two minutes.
I did this once for my partner, but when I told her I found some on her face she kicked me in the stomach.
So China showcased its DF-41, the US shows off its new B61-12 nuclear bomb and hypersonic long-range weapons.
And over here I'm getting cranky that eggnog is already for sale.
@Aria Have you gotten tested for the BRACA 1 gene? Might want to and with a history of breast cancer, insurance might pay for it. If you're Ashkenazi especially.
@TNP My mom has for BRCA 1 and 2. It was negative, or so she's always told me even with threats of "If you're keeping it from me for my 'peace of mind', it could literally kill me. So don't." There's something else that's causing it which is likely a genetic factor that's not yet been identified given how many variables can go into developing cancer but how consistent it's been in not only occurring in my family, but within a very narrow age window that is generally considered 'early' and the aggressiveness of my mom's variant. Hers fell into the G3 category, which is the highest the grade goes for breast cancer.
I turned 35 this year and needless to say, I'm getting my boobs squished ASAP now that the insurance is willing to cover it. They fought me on it every year from 30-34, despite family history and doctor recommendation. /eyeroll
@Aria Make sure that you know what kind of breast tissue you have. I had no idea this was a thing, but they basically grade it and if you have dense or extremely dense tissue, just getting a mammogram doesn't cut it (cancer shows up as white, but if you have dense tissue it ALL shows up as white). You need to do that AND have an ultrasound OR there's some 3D scanning they can do. In my state they are required to let you know so that you can get the right kinds of tests. I just had my first one following a lump scare (which turned out to be nothing) but was informed that since I have extremely dense breast tissue that in the future I need to also make sure my doctor is either scheduling an ultrasound to go with it or an alternative.
TL;DR; if you're wealthy and connected enough you can have a man killed and chopped to pieces, be caught doing so, and nothing at all will happen to you.
this is plain ol' #firstworldproblem irk
I can't decide between the Harry Potter or Star Wars LEGO Advent Calendar
@Auspice Star Wars. Hagrid is a bitch. Chewie is a boss.
@Auspice Santa Porg > whatever else is out there.
@Bananerz said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice Santa Porg > whatever else is out there.
cannot deny.
@Arkandel I'd put this above a 'peeve.'
But... yeah. An American journalist gets murdered, but we're still buds with the Saudis because "they pay cash."
A small yappy animal, that my neighbours are somehow getting away with calling a dog, has been barking for two and a half solid hours. This would not normally be an issue, except that it is twenty past one in the goddamn morning and I'm already prone to headaches.