@Roz Crossing fingers for you.
The Work Thread
@Aria said in The Work Thread:
I wish managers would accept honest feedback! Someone questioning an idea or even saying outright "I'm not sure this is going to work and here's why" is not the same as "You're a turd and also bad at your job and PS, you should be embarrassed in front of all of our colleagues." Unless they fall into the category of sleazy office politics asshole, they're honestly probably trying to help you make the underlying thing you're trying to achieve work.
Yeah. The idea is dumb, and the effort being put into it would be better spent digging holes and then filling them back in--at least that would be pointless, rather than counterproductive. But if management is married to it and all I'd get for pointing this out is looking like a malcontent troublemaker, well, fuck that; I'll keep my head down and hope someone above me suffers an unexpected attack of good sense.
I mean, I get paid either way.
@insomniac7809 said in The Work Thread:
@Aria said in The Work Thread:
I wish managers would accept honest feedback! Someone questioning an idea or even saying outright "I'm not sure this is going to work and here's why" is not the same as "You're a turd and also bad at your job and PS, you should be embarrassed in front of all of our colleagues." Unless they fall into the category of sleazy office politics asshole, they're honestly probably trying to help you make the underlying thing you're trying to achieve work.
Yeah. The idea is dumb, and the effort being put into it would be better spent digging holes and then filling them back in--at least that would be pointless, rather than counterproductive. But if management is married to it and all I'd get for pointing this out is looking like a malcontent troublemaker, well, fuck that; I'll keep my head down and hope someone above me suffers an unexpected attack of good sense.
I mean, I get paid either way.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah, I've definitely worked for that manager, too. More than once. And I am super spiteful, so I was very happy when one of them got fired and another one had the company collapse under his horrible leadership. No luck on the shit-heels at the pharmaceutical sales company, but... well, they're pharmaceutical sales reps. I assume they're probably going to hell at some point. /shrug
If anyone knows good system administrators, Technical Operations or DevOps people looking for career opportunities in Toronto, ON please send them my way.
@Auspice said in The Work Thread:
@Sunny said in The Work Thread:
Office365's web interface now lets you 'like' emails and things. I made the mistake of ranting about this (having likes in a professional environment) to my coworkers...
Yeah. My boss 'likes' every email I send her now.
ETA: I need to clarify. It is all in good fun.
iOS lets you 'like' text messages.
My recruiter does it (she's a very bubbly, perky girl in her mid-20s so it's fitting I guess!) and it throws me off every time.I found this out while buying my house. My realtor would "like" messages, and it would resend the ENTIRE text back to me.
Ex: I texted "hahaha cool"
I'd get a text that reads:
NameOfPerson liked "hahaha cool"
(She's on iOS and I'm on Droid)
@Ghost said in The Work Thread:
@Auspice said in The Work Thread:
@Sunny said in The Work Thread:
Office365's web interface now lets you 'like' emails and things. I made the mistake of ranting about this (having likes in a professional environment) to my coworkers...
Yeah. My boss 'likes' every email I send her now.
ETA: I need to clarify. It is all in good fun.
iOS lets you 'like' text messages.
My recruiter does it (she's a very bubbly, perky girl in her mid-20s so it's fitting I guess!) and it throws me off every time.I found this out while buying my house. My realtor would "like" messages, and it would resend the ENTIRE text back to me.
Ex: I texted "hahaha cool"
I'd get a text that reads:
NameOfPerson liked "hahaha cool"
(She's on iOS and I'm on Droid)
Hahahah cool
@Arkandel said in The Work Thread:
Hahahah cool
GHOST LIKED: @Arkandel said in The Work Thread:
Hahahah cool
Yeah, I hate it when people like my texts. Fortunately, it signals to me that they are Apple users.
Interviewed last week with a position that I really want. Really liked everyone I spoke to. They're doing reference calls now, and I heard from one of my former managers that she finished her call and that they seemed to really like me and liked her answers. (And that they asked specific questions, not just generic ones, which speaks well of them and their hiring practices.)
plz plz plz
@Roz Crossing fingers for you.
Currently making Smartsheet my bitch. I've been using it for the heft of my project management tracking for a while now, and just recently cracked the code on pivoting all of my mined data and whatnots out into tables and graphs that live on an always-on dash.
This is my favorite part of any new project: building out new models or thrashing old ones into useful tables, with new ideas and pieces I'm learning as I need them. Wrapping my head around SUMIFS and COUNTIFS and all these nested functions to bring me back counts within date ranges matching criteria and all this stuff and it feels like actual magic when the shit works.
Moreover it's a clutch piece of work to deliver on, and it's reasonable that I might cinch the promotion I've been angling at for a long while now by overdelivering against expectations here -- which I am already doing. So I'm in my zone, and extremely pleased with myself for once.
You ain't shit, Smartsheet. Ya basic.
I love Smartsheet so much.
@Sunny We have a troubled relationship at times. Trying to get it to just DO the THING that Excel would do sometimes is a misery. I have to admit, it does some things very well. Probably my favorite thing about it bar-none is the ability to look at my tracker as Kanban cards, a Gantt chart, or a grid spreadsheet at any given moment based on the view I need for my workflow right now. Without crashing files around and losing shit, at that.
@Ganymede said in The Work Thread:
@Sunny said in The Work Thread:
I love Smartsheet so much.
What is this Smartsheet?
Our new teller starter on Monday! Which means that there is light at the end of the tunnel for me finally, my hours are finally closer to my contracted 20, rather than the 35+ plus that they've ended up being most of the time since April. I am still fucking exhausted because of dealing with that and all the running around that needs to happen for high schoolers and kindergarteners, but maybe I can start logging into the game I play more than once per week except for phone message and mail checking.
So much fun to sit in a meeting for 30 minutes that's all about a department totally unrelated to yours...except they keep referencing 'changes to make all procedures the same' without giving you any details. Except this Other Department is the problem child in a bunch of trouble with regulators so you're pretty sure your life is going to become miserable even though we're doing everything right and not failing our audits unlike SOME PEOPLE.
@Tinuviel said in The Work Thread:
@Ganymede said in The Work Thread:
@Sunny said in The Work Thread:
I love Smartsheet so much.
What is this Smartsheet?
See, this would require my workplace to want to plan ahead and be organized. But nope, we're just going to continuing flying by the seat of our pants and miss deadlines and such.
@Tinuviel said in The Work Thread:
I remember when this was called "Microsoft Project."
I also remember using it almost 20 years ago.
Not sure if I'd call it innovative or novel, but it sure does look pretty.
I put little wire-mesh trays on my desk, because that is what Professional People do, and I am a Professional People.
Now they're filling up with paper. And the paper isn't going away. Sometimes other people's trays have a few sheets of paper, but the paper goes away.
My trays have developed a fault.
@Ganymede It works much like it was made 20 years ago, in some ways. Which is what makes it so satisfying to wrestle it into the output I need.