Oct 20, 2019, 1:17 AM

@Rinel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:

@RDC said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:

@Rinel There are two religious sects in VtR, the Circle of the Crones (basically every pagan religion banded together to be numerous enough to not burn wholesale for heresy separately) and the Lancea et Sanctum, a splinter of Catholicism that believes Longinus (the dude who stabbed Jesus with a spear) is the vampire antichrist and that all vampires are, by their nature, Damned. It's their job to sin a bunch and to punish mortal sinners and to be an example of what not to do.

Also don't read the in-game book of theirs if you're squeamish about non-consensual sex acts and...basically just everything someone might put into an Aristocrats joke but played straight as if it were the most serious, badass shit ever.

Uh. Are there any ones who aren't, you know... awful?

Lance dogma taken to it's extreme can be pretty awful, but the average newbie vamp who ends up in the Lance does so because they're the only covenant who really offers a reason 'why'.

The Circle will tell you that vampires have always existed and are as natural as anything else, get over it.
The Ordo Dracul cares more about what comes next than why.
The Invictus and Carthians are more interested in political power and money etc.

The Lance will tell you that unfortunately you're Damned, and God hates you now, but you know what? There's still a place for you in The Plan and even God NEEDS someone to be Damned.

For someone who's had their life literally turned upside down and found themselves a blood drinking creature of the night, I imagine that can be kind of comforting, and the average quite Lance member just wants to 'live' their Requiem in peace and doesn't shy away from the fact they need to drink blood now and again, or even if they frenzy and accidently kill a person or three, they can use their faith to find their footing and kind of justify it. Or at least cope with it. It's awful, sure, because they are monsters.

They don't have to be super awful and monstrous though. Plenty might, as time goes on, but at a basic level it's a simple message.