Dec 2, 2019, 2:23 PM

I haven't had much experience with this grey zone; usually, things turn out a lot more black and white. I've certainly had pages as an admin, asking me to please to do something about someone who kept making sexual innuendos and making people uncomfortable. I've also had to ask people to tone it down or make it private because while they were consenting adults, everyone else didn't want to watch it. And in the bizarroland that is video game MMOs, I've had to do the opposite -- tell strangers to shut the hell up and get on with their lives because they were trying to read something sexual into everything so they could do the 'won't somebody think of the children' crusade at us.

I am not convinced that as a stranger you can do anything on the woman's behalf if she does not ask you to. As you say, butting in as a stranger might feel just as creepy as what the other guy is doing. However, if the creepy guy is making you uncomfortable as a third party, there's nothing wrong with letting this show in your own actions and words. Often, this will serve as a hint to victims of creepers that it's okay to ask for help. Or at least to cold shoulder the other guy and hide behind you -- I've done this a few times.