Fever sucks
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
'In February 2017, 4chan users started the hoax "Operation O-KKK," a call to spread the sign around the internet and claim it as a symbol of white supremacy. The anonymous 4channer who started it added a graphic demonstrating how the gesture could spell out the letters WP for "white power." The same month, Media Matters for America accused Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft, who made the gesture in a photograph in the White House press briefing room, of using a "hate symbol."'
It was a 4chan troll effort. Now, white nationalists have begun to use it, but the assumption that every single person making the sign now is a white supremacist is basically just giving too much credit to what was a troll effort.
One I witnessed that didn't take off was an attempt to make 'waving with an open hand' a racist symbol. I don't remember all the reasons they were putting together as 'evidence' but I came across the thread nonetheless.
The OK symbol below the waist. If I look at it, I got got. I don't care what some tiny fringe group tries to claim it as. If I make it and you see it, No, you don't get to think I'm a white supremacist. You except that you've been Gotten and take the punch to the shoulder like a good sport. Same way it's been for 30+ years.
I have a female relative that used to always complain about how she could never sleep unless she fell asleep before her husband because of his snoring and that she didn't snore. I took a poll of her grand kids asking them who snored louder between Grandma and Grandpa. Every single one, uncoached and unaware of the others answers, said Grandma. She stopped complaining but I don't think likes me very much for pointing it out.
@WildBaboons said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have a female relative that used to always complain about how she could never sleep unless she fell asleep before her husband because of his snoring and that she didn't snore. I took a poll of her grand kids asking them who snored louder between Grandma and Grandpa. Every single one, uncoached and unaware of the others answers, said Grandma. She stopped complaining but I don't think likes me very much for pointing it out.
Maybe she'll claim that she turned down the Time's Person of the Year award next.
Opposing counsel who leave confidential information in their produced documents.
Oh, sure, that seems like an advantage, but it isn't. It leaves me with two choices: (1) giving the stuff back and being called a wuss by my client; or (2) refusing to point out the error and being called an asshole by opposing counsel.
If people did their fucking jobs, this wouldn't be a moral dilemma.
Hey. Christmas advertisement people?
It's JOO-Well-Ree, not JOO-Lurr-Eee
That is all. Peeve.
Oh. And someone remind me to go back in time to 2001 and remind George W that it's NUKE-Lee-Urr, not NUKE-Yuh-Lurr
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Apparently this is supposed to make an M and a P to mean White Power, but now that this is out I can't tell if the girl above deserves hero points for being a Circle Game All-Star or is a shitbag?
Her name is Zina Bash and she was a clerk for Kavanaugh. Her father is Jewish and her mother is Mexican. It was rather unlikely that she was playing the circle game or flashing some sort of white power sign. AFAIK it was just some random resting of her hand on her arm.
Lady I get that carrying groceries on the bus is a pain but maybe find a way to manage them that doesn't involve taking up all the bench space at the bus stop.
There's four seats. For people. Not your bags.
Fever sucks
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Opposing counsel who leave confidential information in their produced documents.
Oh, sure, that seems like an advantage, but it isn't. It leaves me with two choices: (1) giving the stuff back and being called a wuss by my client; or (2) refusing to point out the error and being called an asshole by opposing counsel.
If people did their fucking jobs, this wouldn't be a moral dilemma.
I've always liked to hope, in these scenarios, that the 'mistake' might be the opposing counsel trying to ensure a morally-sound outcome when their client is glaringly in the wrong. It's a stupid optimism, I know.
It is invariably due to attorney neglect. We have a duty to ensure attorney-client communications and work product remain confidential. We also have a duty to represent our clients zealously, which means taking advantage of every opportunity to promote our client’s interests.
@Ganymede It's sometimes astounding how similar the duties of a teacher and a lawyer really are.
It’s almost as if teachers are professionals and should be treated that way.
Being both, I concur.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It’s almost as if teachers are professionals and should be treated that way.
Being both, I concur.
I meant more the specifics of the duties, rather than the professional treatment, but I agree.
This time of year.
I am so, so, so tired. I have all these fun things I desperately want to do...
I just can't. I've been too sick this year, I can't manage, I don't have the reserves for any of it. I hate it.
I hate that I had to stand there and watch somebody else move a package today that I COULD HAVE LIFTED because I've been so fucking fragile that nobody is willing to risk me doing anything physical at all.
The worst part is is that everyone else is ducking RIGHT and it really is better for me just to stand there and watch somebody else do the work because while I can for ME it is a RISK and when you have three people standing there for whom it is NOT a risk, it's stupid to not have one of them do it. And ALSO my brain is way way way way way ahead of my ducking body in the recovery process and THE BODY NEEDS TO CATCH UP NOW THANKS.
Difference between teacher and lawyer - lawyers are less likely to catch lice from their clients.
That may be false in part of the United States.