@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Wish is "Spencer's Gifts Online". Change my mind.
not enough dicks
@Auspice Vodka. Provided a little alcohol won't eff it up.
@Macha ...dammit, I am out of everything but the (also sticky) whipped cream kind. I will still so gladly take this excuse to get more.
@Macha said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice Vodka. Provided a little alcohol won't eff it up.
Vodka is for the person doing the cleaning.
@Tinuviel Well, that too, but I thought that was a given.
@Macha said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice Vodka. Provided a little alcohol won't eff it up.
I seriously don't mind sitting and rubbing my thumb on the goo residue.
It's like a mixture of ADHD satisfaction (brain is like DOING A THING DOING A THING DOING A THING DOING A THING) and the texture, but I can watch TV and do that for a good while.
I’ve been drinking, but —
— fuck that shit. Serious. Being a lawyer doesn’t mean you are the end all be all of legal knowledge.
Fuck that shit.
A firm is a football team. Everyone has a part to play. Letting people play their roles is what makes the team work. You know your shit? Speak the fuck up.
Maybe that is why my support staff loves the shit out of me. We missed a court order’s requirement, and my assistant was beside herself at her desk crying because she felt responsible. I had to tell her, no, I’m the attorney, I’m the partner, I am responsible and it is not her fault.
We still won on those late motions, and then settled within authority.
@Ganymede The same goes for any professional environment. Fuck your authority, if someone questions something you want or say, double-check your shit. It's not hard. Be humble, correct mistakes, and move on. Authority doesn't mean shit when you're wrong and someone from HR or higher wants to know what the fuck you did.
To be clear, authority is the limit given by a client to settle a matter, money-wise. A bit different from what you meant, in context of settlement.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
We missed a court order’s requirement, and my assistant was beside herself at her desk crying because she felt responsible. I had to tell her, no, I’m the attorney, I’m the partner, I am responsible and it is not her fault.
I work at a large jail for a metropolitan area and we fuck court orders up all the damned time. Pat her on the back and tell her at least it didn't cost a person their freedom for a few days/weeks/months.
Today's peeve. Dismissive tones being used. We're adults. You don't need to be dismissive during a conversation. It's just rude.
I'd like this stupid illness to end. Spent Christmas day until January 2nd in bed. Since then for every amount of time I spend outside it I have to spend more recovering shivering under blankets totally wasted. It is irritating because I'm well enough to be bored and to have things I want to do but sick enough still that I suck at almost everything I try, from writing to paying attention, ect. If I can take a 2-3 hour nap I can be okayish for a little while.
It makes me feel very down, about my RP, my work performance, even just my notes for some write ups I'm doing. I have an appt tomorrow to rule out pneumonia or something but I doubt that since I do not have a fever--but at least working for The Man means I have awesome insurance so I don't need to worry about paying $200 for someone to tell me I probably have a virus and should drink lots of fluids.
@mietze This sounds very much like the flu I went through a handful of weeks back. I'm sorry.
I had one day where my alarm went off and I thought 'maybe I should call in again' and ended up passing back out for another few hours... at which point I woke up, emailed my boss/coworker just to say 'As you can see, I clearly won't be in today. Sorry.' and then proceeded to sleep another 5 hours.
It was very much like you describe. Just not functioning despite having the mental acuity to where you should be able to function.
Wish is "Spencer's Gifts Online". Change my mind.
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Wish is "Spencer's Gifts Online". Change my mind.
not enough dicks
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Wish is "Spencer's Gifts Online". Change my mind.
I don't feel ashamed to open my Wish app. I look around before going into Spencers.
Both good points.
Also I like the YT videos where people buy stuff off of Wish to compare it to the 'real deal' or ... to itself. I've found there's def. things valid to buy off Wish as opposed to mainstream stores.
Clothes? Not so much.
Crafting odds and ends? Yes. (like mini-cross-stitch frames for jewelry? $18-20 on Amazon, $5-7 on Wish.)
Stuff irking me today:
There is a roundabout that has three 'out/in' parts in front of my apartment complex. One road leads to a little offshoot that connects to the main city roads. One splits off to a little-used road with parking for half-filled office buildings. The third leads to my fairly large apartment complex. When you enter the complex from the city roads you nave to go all around the circle before exiting to the complex.
ROUTINELY though, people go the WRONG WAY in the roundabout just to skip a few seconds of going the right way.
It pisses me off because it's just an accident waiting to happen.
DON'T DRIVE THE WRONG WAY. It took all my power to not park next to this idiot and yell at him.