While the whole "fur baby" thing does grate on me, I do have a good friend who is infertile and uses that comment a lot. For the sake of charity I normally don't bring up my frustration with that term with her, particularly when my wife had a history of infertility, got pregnant by what seemed to be a sheer fluke, and now we are expecting our second kid.
RL Anger
While the whole "fur baby" thing does grate on me, I do have a good friend who is infertile and uses that comment a lot. For the sake of charity I normally don't bring up my frustration with that term with her, particularly when my wife had a history of infertility, got pregnant by what seemed to be a sheer fluke, and now we are expecting our second kid.
@Miss-Demeanor said:
Bitch for the Day: Motherfuckers that either will not or cannot train their goddamn dogs. If you get a dog, TRAIN IT. I do not wish to be accosted by your fucking furball every time I step outside my door. I will stop coming over to your house, no matter how good of a friend you are, if you have piss and shit on your floors. If you cannot afford to properly care for a dog, don't fucking buy one.
God, this. It's particularly grating when said friend, who treats her untrained dog like a child she has to take everywhere, is mystified that I don't want it at my house. And that people at restaurants/Target/everywhere might not want it in their business.
My biggest pet peeve with animals was when I was at a family wedding about a year ago. One of the guests demanded to bring the dog into the church (not a little pocket rat, I am talking about a pit bull), and the priest said, "Um, no, we don't allow dogs in the church unless it is a service animal." Said guest pitched a little bitch fit and ended up leaving.Thankfully, they didn't stay and chain the animal to a tree to have it barking all through the service.
Or when their dog never, ever stops barking EVER and lunges through any gap in the fence he can at me, small kids, passing cats, the neighbor's corgi and pomeranian and just - holy shit. That is one asshole pitbull. And I'm just afraid at this point, that fence is going to give (It's rotted and leaning) and someone's going to get mauled or killed.
Edit: And I joke about my cats being my kids because I don't plan on having any. "My kids are just really hairy. Stop judging them."
See, I stopped being nice to people like that. It just enables them. I tell them straight up that they need to train their animal or I will be happy to call the ASPCA. Dogs don't want to live where they do their business, and its unhealthy for them on multiple levels. If a person can't be a responsible pet owner, they shouldn't have the pet.
And yes, I've actually called the ASPCA on people before. And in one case, social services, because one couple had a toddler living in a house with three completely untrained dogs. Filthy conditions, and certainly not healthy for the child.
@Three-Eyed-Crow said:
It's particularly grating when said friend, who treats her untrained dog like a child she has to take everywhere, is mystified that I don't want it at my house. And that people at restaurants/Target/everywhere might not want it in their business.
I think the same about other people's untrained children.
Related animal peeve: Just because dogs do pee inside, people assume they are untrained:
We have two dogs, rescue dogs from a puppy mill a mother and daughter is from the mother's third heat and they are a year apart. They were also left alone for long stretches of time 12+ hours. So far as they know it's okay to go on linoleum. They are both getting much better at asking to go outside. But still they have accidents, or they simply just don't even ask to go out.
So from my point of view having already rescued the dogs from a puppy mill if anyone ever called the SPCA on me that would certainly be the last contact I ever had with that person.
I get why someone might assume neglect and lack of training, but yeah.
TL;DR People who presume to know better than I do when they don't have all the information.
And also so I don't double post:
People who say "You meant X" No, if I had meant X, I would have said X, not Y. Just because something doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean I said it incorrectly. Bonus peeve points when they get their correction wrong.
@Insomnia I think rescuing animals is great. Both my current cats are rescues. There's a large difference between a rescue dog that's still adjusting to proper behavior and a dog that just flat out isn't trained. A few spots here and there or surprise puddles occasionally is to be expected. That overwhelming wall of stench hitting you the second you open the door paired with seeing a carpet -so stained- you can no longer identify its original color plus used 'pee pads' scattered across every room... that's just laziness and neglect. Seeing a dog that has shit caked to its hind quarters because its caged every night and left to sit in its own waste... that's abuse. Seeing a toddler who's parents claim has asthma because he's breathing ammonia with every breath and suffers from routine infections for stumbling through feces... that's neglect and abuse. You are doing a kindness to those dogs by taking them out of their former situation. But I'm not talking about occasionally finding a puddle on the floor. I'm talking conditions that no human or animal should be in.
I figured you weren't, but, you know, peeves. That's why I TL;DR'ed it. Mostly peeving about people making assumptions, honestly.
When I first came to China I was met in Shanghai by my co-teacher, a woman from England. She assisted me through the process of switching airports to connect to an internal flight to get to a city near my final destination. After arriving in my new home, she vanished on vacation for a week, leaving me her little shitzoo (sic) in care.
Why am I calling it a shitzoo instead of a shih-tzu? Because this dog was not house trained. Ever. Not once in its life. I found this out the next evening when I got ready for bed, pulled down the quilt, and found a dog turd staring up at me from the sheet. The little shitzoo had actually crawled under the fucking cover, took a shit, then left the rumpled cover there to conceal its little gift.
In that week the dog shit and pissed everywhere at any time. My first week in China was spent chasing after the little shitzoo and cleaning up after its mess. When she came back from her vacation, I told the owner that the dog was not welcome in my home ever. For any reason. Which, of course, she took incredible umbrage to.
It goes without saying that nobody liked going to her apartment because of the dog's little constant gifts.
I spent two years in that college with that coworker. As the foreign teacher contingent expanded, she imposed upon, then alienated one coworker at a time with her little shitzoo. And then complained that we were the ones being inconsiderate and rude.
@Insomnia said:
Related animal peeve: Just because dogs do pee inside, people assume they are untrained:
You keep your lovelies at your house, and I won't care if they pee indoors.
Yeah, I mean, I never got taking a dog to another person's house. Sure I take them on walks, but not out with me when I go places. That's just weird.
@Ganymede said:
@Three-Eyed-Crow said:
It's particularly grating when said friend, who treats her untrained dog like a child she has to take everywhere, is mystified that I don't want it at my house. And that people at restaurants/Target/everywhere might not want it in their business.
I think the same about other people's untrained children.
Beat me to it. >_>
@Insomnia said:
I figured you weren't, but, you know, peeves. That's why I TL;DR'ed it. Mostly peeving about people making assumptions, honestly.
No worries. Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was trying to attack your own personal situation.
When my partner asked if a friend could bring her child over, I asked her if it was house-broken. When she said that the child's name was "Jane," I told her, politely, that children will be things to me until they self-actualize and make money.
That is the Asian way.
Ahh, so, Person I Must Deal With, you spent too many years apologizing to your ex when you'd done nothing wrong, so now you refuse to apologize to anyone even when you've done something really fucking rude or damaging? This makes sense how? Also, fuck you.
i woke up and turned on the computer to discover that avast had put war3.exe into its virus chest. I have spent most of the day trying to take it out. Nothing works, not the suggestions on the avast website on how to get non-virus files out of the chest, and not any other suggestions (which ranged from disabling the antivirus then try to "restore" the file from the virus chest to the computer, then turning the antivirus back on, to make the "exclusion list" stick). There was no way i could make sure the file was "excluded" from being put in the virus chest. Everytime I tried to restore or restore and exclude it, it just popped right back into the virus chest. I tried updating avast, I tried "repairing" avast (from the control panel), I've rebooted countless times, and still can't play Warcraft because the stupid exe file is STILL in the virus chest!!!!! I have made false positive report on it along with a detailed message of what went wrong and what won't work to fix it, and am awaiting avast to get back to me. fumes
I would point and laugh, but you're the victim of the software, not its perpetrator.
Unless you're a software developer, in which case I will point and laugh because it's your fault software is so shitty!
@WTFE god i wish i was a developer, I would know how to make my own antivirus that wouldn't pull crap like this....
No. No you wouldn't. All software developers think they can do better. They are wrong.