@Ganymede Thank you! I might just do so on my second read through.
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@HelloProject Two points of awesome: not only are you there, you're right next to another dear friend of mine.
I am reading the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for the townhouse we're in the process of buying and damn. I can read the word. I know individually what each of the words means. I'm not always totally sure what they all mean TOGETHER.
Eff legal writing with a rusty, running chainsaw. Not the people who do it, just the writing itself. augh.
I'm sure it is all very important and so I will read it! It's also very... conservative Colorado biased. So that'll be fun.
Oof. Sympathy.
If you need someone to explain the jargon, DM me. There are few variations in Declarations across the states.
@Ganymede Thank you! I might just do so on my second read through.
@surreality said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@HelloProject Two points of awesome: not only are you there, you're right next to another dear friend of mine.
Bizarrely all the people I'm next to are the people I'm closest with as far as friends on that project. I think it was on purpose.
This is so weird but an ad for this just came across my FB feed and I think there might be folks who appreciate it, they're bras that are engineered for DD+ sizes and the commentary seemed like people really liked wearing them:
I'd have tagged y'all but that is even weirder. I FOUND STUFF FOR YOUR BOOBS.
@Sunny said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
This is so weird but an ad for this just came across my FB feed and I think there might be folks who appreciate it, they're bras that are engineered for DD+ sizes and the commentary seemed like people really liked wearing them:
I'd have tagged y'all but that is even weirder. I FOUND STUFF FOR YOUR BOOBS.
Unfortunately their DD+ seems to mean... DDD from looking it over.
I appreciate the share! But I'm annoyed at THEM (not you!) for saying DD+ when they mean... a single cup size above DD.
I've been eyeballing all these new bra brands coming out that are getting rave reviews like 'please, please make your bras bigger than a D or DD pleeeeeeeeeeeease' and so far no such luck but someday. Maybe.
In all seriousness if I see one more TV ad for bras about how I need to shop somewhere that stops at DDD, I might stab somebody.
Like... though it's next year instead of this year now, I likely have to have a reduction I really still don't want due to something I want to deal with even less. They only remove X amount when doing so, unless they're doing a full mastectomy, and, uh. I would be lucky to get down to a DDD if they remove the max.
That is a lock down bug for me. Bra size changed. Can't go to usual place so I bought some online. Can't return them. Now stuck with bras to big for me. Now buying more in the hope... Gnah.
So I am struggling with a parental choice.
Do I take my youngest son (8) with my wife and I to DC for the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington? What about my middle (13) son?
We would take them out of school for only 2 days.
Also weighing on me are the pandemic and safety.
My youngest son (mixed-race and very dark of complexion) we are leaning towards not taking. I do feel like later in life he would feel differently about not going (where he is indifferent about it now being 8).
My middle son is politically active and aware and would love to go but he has asthma and so I am leaning towards no but undecided. I think he would get so much out of it.
Criminal Justice reform is very important to us (my wife and I) and so we are certain on our going. We can easily get familial care and assistance in our absence if we go alone or with just one of the children.
Other parents? Thoughts?
@buttercup While I'm not a parent, I've had a similar conversation lately with the husband. My health is not great, and we both provide some care for my elderly parents, which makes it similarly of concern.
(This applied to both the march and 'whoever is getting sworn in whenever Trump gets fired' in our case.)
We decided against going, both for my health and concern over the folks. Our insurance expiring if he can't start working soon played a non-trivial role in that call.
I understand the desire to be involved, to do things with family both.
But the health aspect shouldn't be ignored at all, IMO.
My state (and thus city) was one of the early ones to force itself open. And over the past couple of days, I've gotten sick. With that big tell-tale sign of loss of taste/smell. I'm putting in a request to be tested. I'm frustrated at the mere idea I may have it because I'm still not going out much, I'm still wearing a mask, but no one around me is and during my last visit to the store a bit over a week ago, people were even more up in my personal space than even before the pandemic.
And since studies are showing a lot of people are asymptomatic and don't even know they had it / were contagious: big crowds are even more a risk factor.
@buttercup definitely would not take the kids, especially if one is in an at risk group.
I would even go further and suggest that you quarantine from them when you return if you do choose to go.
There are many ways to celebrate the March, including, but not limited to, marching in local demonstrations and participating in local activities.
This might keep your children safe while still politically active. Further, local work has a greater local impact. Also, less travel.
We will look at what happens with the pandemic after recent protests and assess. We have some more time (late August) before the March that the Floyd family and Sharpton are organizing.
We would likely quarantine on return regardless.
I think likely it will be just the two of us. The more I think about the risk with the pandemic to the children.
We in our hearts don't want to miss the event and it is worth the risk to us personally (rationally this may change give the course of the summer). But I don't think we want to put our children in the line of fire.
Thank you all for the thoughts and opinions.
If you and your husband would like to write a card or something and send it my way I would be happy to leave your thoughts and sentiments or something to represent you in your desire to be there for the March.
@buttercup I will ask him, thank you for that -- that is incredibly kind of you.