@Rinel I know, and it's great!
Apparently even the commandment that we read as "thou shalt not kill" was actually "thou shalt do no murder."
@Aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@JinShei said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Tinuviel I literally could do this!
Coming to you now from Estate Road 2, where three families have converged on the side of the street to have a barbeque and let their children play on a bouncy castle, despite the perils of COVID-19. Today, on the JinShei Show, we ask, do people really dislike their kids and friends this much? Should we just let them all catch this and die?
I mean, this absolutely horrible to admit and, like, probably the 837th reason I'm going to hell....
But every now and then, I look at someone doing something really, really obviously stupid that they have publicly, loudly, repeatedly been warned against re: COVID and I think to myself, "....Maybe this one is actually doing us all a favor and we just don't realize it yet."
Then I remember everyone else they're putting at risk and get pissed off again.
My sister, ladies and gentlemen.
Spent the first couple months being smart, being super vocally 'OMG FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES' ... and then, like you might expect someone who turned 21 at the start of the year, she got bored. She began going on road trips to the beach. She began going to bars (and complaining when said bars got shut down for overcrowding). etc... etc... etc...
Now her Twitter feed is a mix of her complaining about having covid and complaining about people not following guidelines and just a week ago her Twitter/Insta was photos of her and a dozen other people in close quarters at the beach.
My husband, who is Canadian and has been stuck there for almost 3 months was making plans to come here to visit in the next week or 2. For a few days. A little while ago, I got a message from his ex wife saying she was in the emergency room. She was swabbed for Covid and screened positive. She's in isolation and being pumped with meds and fluids because of a migraine and such. My husband and inlaws were just there over the weekend to see my stepson receive his 8th grade certificate. I've missed so much already. Birthdays, graduations--and they're continuing. Now this. Now I'm just sitting here praying and hoping that it comes back negative. For him and my kids. And the rest of my family there. Because there's not a damn thing I can do from here....
Update Test came back negative...Thank God...
@SuperiorHuron Big hugs, honey. I hope all the tests come back negative!
@SuperiorHuron Hope it all comes back negative!
So, at the beginning of Covid my brother had to move in with us because his IRL imploded. My big brain forgot (with all the chaos, them not being on site etc) to tell the landlord. Today she told us we have to be out in a month. Evicted.
@Wretched I would take a look at your state's COVID pandemic guidelines. Many states determined that there wouldn't be any evictions during the pandemic. If your state hasn't lifted that mandate, they can't evict you.
I'd take a look at your lease.
Most leases, but for non-payment of rent, usually provide tenants with a period in which to cure defaults upon written notice. See if yours has one. If so, the landlord must give you a period of time to fix the "problem" before seeking to evict.
This should include your brother moving in because that's an easy-to-remedy problem.
Honestly, your landlord sounds like a special type of stupid to want to evict a paying tenant when the real unemployment rate remains above 20%.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Honestly, your landlord sounds like a special type of stupid to want to evict a paying tenant when the real unemployment rate remains above 20%.
Possibly unrelated, but I've been hearing people refer to the (local) housing market as a seller's market due to the pandemic, and I don't understand how the seller has all the power when so few people have the means to buy.
Very low mortgage rates make it so lots of people that couldn't otherwise afford a mortgage can do so now, leading to a glut of buyers.
@GreenFlashlight said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Possibly unrelated, but I've been hearing people refer to the (local) housing market as a seller's market due to the pandemic, and I don't understand how the seller has all the power when so few people have the means to buy.
Part of the issue is the availability of money. A lot of people stopped looking for loans due to the COVID-19 scare. Lenders make money through loans, so they lowered interest rates to attract borrowers.
The other part is the paucity of housing. Although construction shouldn't have stopped, the financial uncertainty has ground development to a halt. With less new construction happening, the existing housing market is drying up.
Put them together, and you have a seller's market.
@Wretched said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
So, at the beginning of Covid my brother had to move in with us because his IRL imploded. My big brain forgot (with all the chaos, them not being on site etc) to tell the landlord. Today she told us we have to be out in a month. Evicted.
Along with what everyone else says, make sure you look up your state's laws about eviction. Often landlords will "evict" a tenant by just telling them they have until X date to get out but in a way that's not a legal eviction notice. Make sure you're getting the full required process for eviction. And check your lease.
Stupid media getting involved in my clients' cases stop it you're making them look bad just because they allegedly shot somebody to death
@Rinel Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who.
All persons having business before the Dishonorable, the Court of Public Opinion of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now watching TV. Neilsen Ratings save the United States and this Dishonorable Court.
I think there are some European countries where the names and faces of the accused cannot be aired. I would like to see that in the US, but someone would throw a First Amendment challenge at it and win.
@saosmash said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Rinel Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who.
Hey, just because I killed someone it doesn't mean I'm guilty!
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@saosmash said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Rinel Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who.
Hey, just because I killed someone it doesn't mean I'm guilty!
This is technically correct, which is the best kind of correct the sort of thing I use all the time to piss off the government
@Rinel I know, and it's great!
Apparently even the commandment that we read as "thou shalt not kill" was actually "thou shalt do no murder."
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Apparently even the commandment that we read as "thou shalt not kill" was actually "thou shalt do no murder."
... ah, the law.
The version of the Bible I grew up with did not portray the Ten Commandments as single sentences. They were whole paragraphs listing examples and exceptions. I remember being really scared that the one against killing had a provision allowing for people who break into your home at night, because until then, I hadn't realized that was a thing that could happen. Don't let your kids read the Bible.