Jul 1, 2020, 2:56 AM

plans to see family this weekend fell through because my parents, who I live with for only one more month after a year of saving money (with kids and husband and one bathroom and no washer/dryer and not a lot of room but oh I am super grateful I promise because no rent) have told us we can't go because covid19 and no measures will make them feel comfortable about it. Big to do, I promised my other family we would be there, we made all the plans.

I get the world is a mess. I get my parents' worries are legit. I get my other family's feelings of disappointment are legit.

I still feel like an asshole with no recourse or apology big enough.

flashbacks of a child of divorce: which parent do you like better? uh clearly the one I'm at the mercy of for the next month no fuck no not really I just don't want to deal with pissed off people in a house too small to quarantine 4 people separate from for two weeks.
